Friday, December 31, 2010

Premiere Screening of Season of the Witch

You're cordially invited to the Premiere Screening of Season of the Witch happening on;

Date : 5 January 2011 (Wednesday)
Time : 9.30pm
Venue : Cathay Cineplex, e@Curve

So I'll be there with my pakwer ...last time 2 kali dpt invitation tapi tak dapat pegi sebab tak der sapa nak jaga kan anak anak since bibik ada ley la mak nya pegi muahahhahahah ..

sapa lg yg dpt tiket nih ...buz buz la ai ...nih kadang tmpat ramai org blur sket akakkak..kalau ada yg kenal baru la syok kan .

Congrats Manja

She's our college mate ..diam diam je ek Manja pregnant tak bgtau ...hujung2 baru la dia bgtau nak suh moon snap gamba dia pregnant ...Manja dah selamat melahirkan bb girl last week . Congrats ya ..
Skrg dah sepasang dah anak ...Yg sulung lelaki n yg terbaru nih pompuan
Selamat berpantang ya Manja ..nanti gamba siap ai buzz u ...skrg duk bz kejar dateline album duk beraturs ...

Lawatan keluarga ke Zoo Taiping

Mentang la cuti skola kan terus wat lawatan beramai ramai hiks ...but the kids sangat enjoy ..

Acara sampingan adalah mengejar Cik Yaya yg larinya tak balance cam meloncat2 je ..wisau gaks kot tersandung kaki sendiwi kang terjatuh ...rasa cam mau kasik dia pakai helmet je
Habis la kita org ronda ...sampai jalan pun cam nak seret je kaki sebab dah tak larat

Tgk si Yaya tew duk lari je..mana la larat semua kenderaan kenderaan berat nih nak catch up
Kasik umpan baru slow sket ...ley la dia park nengok animals
mama ngan papa pun hepi je dapat masuk Zoo . Dah hampir 3 bulan pindah ke Taiping nih baru dapat masuk tew pun sebab nak bawak Isk ngan Yaya
ha boley la bawak umi sama jalan jalan ...hahahh so mencabar pegi zoo je walhal nya hahahha

mau balik sudahhhhhhhhh

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Amik adik kat Kolej Mara KUlim

di suatu petang n pak sutan g amik Umi kat Kolej Mara Kulim

hahhah klasik je bangunan hostel pompuan. Siap bisik kat Umi ....Umi awat scary sangat bangunan ni

ramai kawan kawan umi turun anta kan umi ...sempat la moon bodek dia org suh lompat2 sket. Kakak ipar Aminah mmg happening kan u ols........tetiba

wah tetiba je mak rasa jadi muder remaja hahah

maklum la di kelilingi adik adik hahhaha

kanak kanak riang ...kata dia org ...pose style kay gee ..

pastuh ada la acara kenen kenen kan kan kan ...tak pa jgn malu kakak ipa aminah nih sporting org nya muahahhaha ....
nih apa style mak pun tak tahu ...layan je
wahhhh so sweet la

KD( ketua dorm ) dah nak pegi hug

tgk dia org duk nanges nanges mak pun nangis ...moon mmg fail bab nengok org nanges sebab mak pun akan sama nanges ...

Monday, December 27, 2010

My kids

Mummy tak sempat nak apdet dia letak gamba Isk ngan Yaya je

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Simple tp sangat lawa

sweet la kan bila warna putih cam nih terasa cam tido kat cadar yg bersih jeeeeeeeeee
rupa nya main pintal2 jerrrrrrrr - pic credit to KOJESDESIGN

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Season of the Witch is Here

As we know when we talk about witches ...kiter misti imagine old women with black dress ...a tall hat ...a weird kindda nose ...with giant mole all over her face and she have a flying broomstick ..

Ai prefer to imagine my witch sebagai sorang pompuan yg cantik la dia kan ada power and can create lots n lots of potion why not create a super beutiful potion ...kan ....

Witches misti ada evil super power ....ada magic power utk curse anyone that she likes ..." aku sumpah nko jadi katak " ha witch melayu kay ....create strange and powerfull potion ...

what u still tak tahu apa itew witches aka ahli sihir ? cammon la

ooopppsie this one is to sexy for a witch ...kalau cam nih wisau kot kot dia cast a spell to our husband ....shuuuhhhhhh go away youuuu mintak la tak der witch cam nih ...kalau tak harus mak pun jadi witch n baca jampi serapah utk pak sutan
opppsie this one is to cute la for a witch ...olo olo cute cute nyaaaaaaa kalau cam nih nak lempang pun tak sampai atie kan kan ....rasa cam nak kasik je gula gula banyak kat dia org tak pun ajak gie play ground tak pun rekemen kan suh jadi awek Isk .

ha nih la witch yg kiter bayang kan ....but no one knows how their real face la kan kalau cam nih mimpi ngeri laaaa

what scares you the most:

- Their face ....euwww tgk la sangat tak lawa kan ...asal idung kena cangkuk cam tew scary . 2 3 kali tgk cam rupa hantu dah ...ha sapa tak takut hantu ....cuba ckp sket kalau dia cun melecun cam atas tew nak la jugaks jumpa kan tanya dia ada tak potion nak dapat body cam tew ....hover tau

nyah ...mak nak potion bagi kulit lembut ....putih melepak ...nak potion hilang kan bulu kaki n bulu keti bagai ...pastuh nak potion hancurkan lemak kasik body mak cam Kim Kardashian ke tak pun cam J lo pun jadi la tak pun cam sedara nko kat atas 2 org tew ....melatoppppp ....pastuh nak potion wangi sepanjang masa ...nak potion rambut yg cantek ...nak potion happyly ever after ...ada ke nyahhhh ....nanti masuk acc mak kay ...tak pun bak nom acc mepeng mak transfer duit ....nih beli banyak takkan tak der discount kot ...nanti mak promo la kedai potion nko kat blog mak ....klassss gitew ....panggggggg time tew jugaks dia sumpah aku jd mangkuk tandas ...hahahha

- Their evil power ...mau tak nya kang silap silap dia sumpah kiter jadi katak ke jadi handphone ke jadi mangkuk jamban ke tak ke tersiksa tew ...pastuh lepas dia cast a spell on us dia plak hilang ke mati ke sapa nak carik cure plak ...nak tunggu prince charming dtg ke ellloooo ada ka zaman skrg ....eeiiii tak nakkk

- Witch + evil power ..bagaimana plak kalau tetiba berjiran lak ngan witch ...habih la tetiap malam dengar serigala mengaum ...dengar plak burung antu ...tetiba petir sambar menyambar laks ....pastuh dengar plak hilaian ngeri ....mau tak stress cam tew ....lagi stress sebab tak der org pun brani dtg umah hahahhaha .

Meh share sket info pasal witches nih ....adakah dia org nih pengikut setan tak pun seorang pompuan yg sangat cerdik pandai with knowledge of rare healing herbs ? well dia gabung skali la kan . Tapi bila ada apa apa je bencana org misti kata witches nih yg buat kan

Withc dtg dari perkataan Wicca yg bermaksud wise n cerdik pandai.Though it is regional to northwestern Europe and the British Isles, we'll use the term ubiquitously from hereon for any practitioner of witchcraft no matter their geographical origin.

prehistoric percaya la yg witches nih ada kuasa yg tak der pada org lain . Witches ley bantu dia org and this witches believed to be in closer touch to the spiritual realms . Cam ala ala bomoh jugers la kan ..

During the late 1500s and early 1600s, witch-hunts reached their peak in Europe, a period known as the Burning Times. So dia org cari la pompuan pompuan yg di syaki mengamal kan witchcraft secara salah n dia org akan di gantung atau bakar dia org idop idop .

So witch nih dah lama dah kan n anak anak kiter pun tahu apa itew witch....sebab walt disney pun dah perkenal kan often used they witches as their villains, starting with their classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1937) . Witches would also appear in , Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid ..

Then bila dah modern sket baru kiter ada tangapan lain pada witches nih sebab filem filem cam Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed . As we all know, the Harry Potter series became a literary phenomenon starting in the late '90s.

and ai still minat harry potter untill now ...dah besar dah ahli sihir nih

and sapa tak kenal this beutiful charmed ladies kan ...a beutiful witches indeed

and buffy the vampire slayer

teng teng teng and now galsssssssssssssssss this 2011 ada lagi citer witches yg best ...

Season of the witch
tgk siapa belakon tew u olsssssssssss pelakon mantap seyyyyyyyy


In the supernatural thriller Season of the Witch, Nicolas Cage stars as a 14th century Crusader who returns with his comrade (Ron Perlman) to a homeland devastated by the Black Plague. A beleaguered church, deeming sorcery the culprit of the plague, commands the two knights to transport an accused witch (Claire Foy) to a remote abbey, where monks will perform a ritual in hopes of ending the pestilence. A priest (Stephen Campbell Moore), a grieving knight (Ulrich Thomsen), an itinerant swindler (Stephen Graham) and a headstrong youth who can only dream of becoming a knight (Robert Sheehan) join a mission troubled by mythically hostile wilderness and fierce contention over the fate of the girl. When the embattled party arrives at the abbey, a horrific discovery jeopardizes the knight’s pledge to ensure the girl fair treatment, and pits them against an inexplicably powerful and destrustive force.

So jom .....nanti awal Jan ...meh pecah panggung tgk citer nih ....and believe it or not ....saya pn moon ada seorang kawan yg part time dia menjadi witch ....tak caya ....? helo ai ada bukti kay ...tunggu ...

































see ai tak tipu tau ...walaupun ai jadi kucing ai tetap tak takut kat witch .

Buat entry nih terus Moon rasa cam nak benda benda nih :

periuk nih ...wat masak sup tulang pun bagus kan

costume yg sangat kiut utk Cik Yaya

* The 60 most creative blog posts will win a pair of tickets each to the Nuffnang Premiere Screening of Season of the Witch and grand prize yg sangat menikam kalbu .....hocus pocus .......