Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Ila dah bersalin.....

6 March 2006

Anne : Miera , Ila dah bukak 3 cm . Mai bagitau
Miera : Eh ye ker (keterujaan terserlah )

we were so happy to hear that Ila is at the hopital aledi ..thats mean baby is coming ...yeh yeh yeh . Me and Anne cam countdown plak ...main kira agaknyer dah berapa cm ..hahahha pastuh duk teka hari nih ke besok Ila nih beranak ...

At 5 pm Anne dtg bagitau Moon yg Ila dah selamat bersalin ...alhamdulillah syukur . Masa tuh Moon duk makan lunch kul 5 ...hahah buleh cam gitu . So kita org apa agi berpiket piket kan diri untuk sama sama pegi melawat Ila n baby kat hospital ....so masa nye dah set lepas maghrib kita bertolak ...
Arrive at the hospital kul 8 lebeh masa tuh Anne, Senul, Mai n Iqwan dah sampai ..there she was sitting on the bed looking so happy ...finally insan yg ditunggu 2 dah keluar . Ila nampak relax jer ..rasa gembira tuh menghilangkan rasa penat bersalin kan ..Handsome boy Rizq Syahmi tgh syok tido ..kita org punya la bising cam buat kenduri dalam tuh ..tapi dia tido jer ..gud boy . Agaknya penat lagi kot cuba mengeluarkan diri dari perut mama dia petang tadik ..cant wait to see that lovely face ..my mama ..and papa that always play with me and calling my name ..i can hear them very clearly ...so here i am ..but masa sekarang tido dulu lah .... kata rizq , ha ha ha

The baby was borned at 4 59 pm 6 March 2006 .@ 6306 weight 2.88kg . After this kiter tunggu baby Anne
plak..early April . Then baby Mai middle of April ..more baby coming ..anak dara lagi gitu . So Isk ngan Rizq leh ngorat ar ...muehehhehehe . Sembang 2 pengalaman bersalin Ila ...hhahhahah citer 2 tuh cam kasik gerun kat Anne ngan Mai . Dunt worry pengalaman bersalin tuh walaupun sakit tapi tuh la pengalaman paling best sekalik , eh paling best masa kawen hahahha kira yg kedua paling best ar . Tuhan dah tentukan sakit bersalin tuh ..tapi bila tgk baby kuar rasa cam besarnya kuasa tuhan . Ada satu lagi nyawa baru that come out from our tummy ..time tuh la hilang semer rasa sakit ..Maybe ada betulnya jugak bila org kata anak tuh permata hati . Yerlah kadang duk tengok dia jer pun hilang semer penat . Rasa sejuk je mata memandang ...So to Anne ngan Mai ...cant wait la to c ur baby ...anak buah . ..yeh yeh pas nih buleh ar buat picnic bawak anak anak then bila besar sket buleh buat sukaneka ...hahahhahah
Sekali lagi Congrat to Ila n Poek ..nanti kita org pegi lawat Ila kat umah plak ek ..semalam dtg tangan kosong ar ..

C u ..muah muah . Geram ar tgk baby kecik 2 nih ....

5 March 2006
Minggu nih balik Kajang ..dah dekat 2 minggu tak balik jumpa Mama , Isk pun tak jumpa Grandma , teringat plak kata 2 my MIL " Korang kena bawak Isk balik jumpa Mama selalu tau , nanti kalau hangpa jarang bawak dia balik nanti dia tak mau ngan kami, nanti kami rindu kat Isk " sian plak kat Mama ...Sori ek Mama bukan tak nak balik tapi Mahmood selalu kijer on weekend. So we decided to blk Kajang biar Mama main puas puas ngan Isk ..sapa tak rindu cucu kan . I try to imagine if i were at her place mesti cam gitu jugak . Bila anak anak dah besar mesti rasa sunyi kan kan kan .
So bila balik sana Isk la yang paling syok ...di layan cam tengku muda..hahahha sutan katakan :P . This is his grandma ...so most of the time Grandma ngan Auntie n Bapak layan Isk ..dapat la Mummy lepak 2 sket . So Mummy dapat Isk bila time nak nyusu , makan and time dia yot yot ...hahahahh time yot yot semer tak nak sebab Isk mengeluarkan bauan yang bersamaan ngan tanki septik hahahhaha haruman semerbak 1 rumah , so mummy have to do all the dirty work . Nasib baik anak ...hahhahahaha . Hubby selalu cakap , kalau I plak nanti dah tua ker sakit sanggup tak Miera basuhkan yot yot kiter . Kesitu plak daddy Isk nih ..sayang mesti la Miera sanggup ..ur my hubby kan . U r my other half.. i will take care of u

4 March 2006

I love to play ..i alway play with my book . I love to hear mummy read me a story ..eventhough i dun understant but i love to hear her sweet voice ( kembang kejap mummy ) sometimes i will fall asleep and sometimes i will reach out for the book ....and put it inside my mouth then mummy will marah me ..she said nanti koyak laaaa....
My daddy just come back from work ..poor daddy he is to tired..kijer malam wooo . Mummy let me play while waiting for daddy ..mummy said let daddy sleep for a while then we will go back to kajang to c grandma..I dunt know what got into mummy , she let me play with the book ..i know why ..koz she want to snap my picture . Normally she wont let me play with that book...never..She love to take my picture ..hantu bergambar la mummy nih ..well i love bergambar too...i inherit it from her la ...hah ahahahhahah
Since now i can sit mummy will always be nearby ..koz she fear that i might dive my nose first , sometime she will put me on the comforter with pillow every where ..she dunt want me to get hurt ..love u mummy .. but im a curious type ..i will crawl every where ..but i still cant manage to crawl under the dinning table..Mummy will pull my leg ..cam tahu tahu jer my intention nak merangkak ke sana ..huhh
C my hair ...ha ha since its getting longger ..my mummy have to comb my hair ala ala skema type gitu ..this is me after mandi . My hair is still wet ...belah tepi tuh ....sometimes when i woke up from sleep my hair will looks like San Goku in Dragon boy ..well my father call me MAJISTRET ..hhahhaha sometimes my hair will looks a bit curly ..well i dun care what u want to call me koz i feel gud about my self...hahahha perasan la .
There was this awek at the nursery ...he he i always play with her . Finally my mummy know about this ...when Kak Ani my baby sitter told her ..i was so shy ...ha ha hahahha she told my mommy that i will always smile to that girl ..that girl and i were same age . But she's very bulat ..and chubier that me . Well i have no choice la mummy since there were only 4 baby at the nursery . Im a good boy ..i dont cry at the nursery ...i have so many friend there .
Daddy said i look like a baby dinosour that just come out from d egg ..suker 2 jer . I learn new thing today that is ..how to suck my lower lip..every time i do this they will say i buat muker ulat bulu ( book worm kartoon ) ada ka ..hahahha . so enough for now ..keep on touchin . Roger n out ...zasssssss


  1. takde ker gambar muka mai panic dengar citer pengalaman bersalin from ila???? hehehehehehe....

  2. aku tak sempat nak amik gambar ..dalam hasanul nyer Fp ada kan?

  3. kureng2 ko iqwan, musti la aku panic, takut siot...tapi takpe aku dah prepare stlh mendengar tips2 dari Ila tu...ehhehe....
