Thursday, June 22, 2006

My Wasiat

Jom kita tagging sesama kiter ..sau dari Ila nyer blog .

My Baby
I want my hubby to take care of Iskandar ..kalau hubby nak kawen lain make sure she can accept Iskandar and layan dia cam anak sendiri kalau tak ..i will kacau dia ..hik hik hik and hubby pun kena ingat kalau ada rezeki dpt anak lain . Please jgn beza kan kasih sayang antara dia org k .

My Car
I dont have my own car . Keter tuh pun share bayar . Hubby can decide what he want to do with that car ..

My house
Kalau sempat la beli umah . I want hubby to stay in that house even kalau dia remarry . I want my children to live in that house . The same house that i raised them . Atleast buleh gak hubby kenang2 kan mummy . All those sentimental values..

My Insurance / Saving
I will give it all to my children and hubby . 10% to my lil brother . Saving pun tak banyak kwsp that day i wariskan all to hubby . Please use it wisely kay . Use some of it for my kenduri or tahlil .

Pun tak banyak . Just cincin n rantai yg hubby hadiahkan .Sama la cam Ila i want my menantu to have it . Kalau sempat dpt anak pompuan ..i would like her to have it ..atleast something from her mom ...

Baju nikah
I want hubby to frame it ..hahhahah cam lawak jer ..mesti penuh satu ruang kalau gantungkan . kalau buleh I want him to think about me ...kalau ur new wife tak suker atleast kasik la to our children . Kalau mereput buang ajer la .

Baju +etc
Kalau that time fesyen tuh leh diterima pakai lagi I want my doughter to have it . Kalau dia muat ar takut terbesar je , kalau tak pun sedekah kan jer kat anak yatim .

All my album yg banyak kat umah tuh simpan la elok2. Kalau anak anak merindu leh la tgk gambar mak dia . Like my arwah mak , tak banyak gambar dia ....susah nak tatap dikala merindu fatihah je disedekahkan bila teringat kat dia . Dulu tak cam sekarang ..gambar punya lah banyak dah beribu dlm I want my children to keep it and hubby too.

Im Tagging
Anne, Mai,Filla..hahha habih aku borong


  1. aduii...moon...kau bikin aku sedih....syahdu dan sayu hati,...

  2. oitz mummy...sumer utk para mama and mummy ker??...utk daddy2 and papa2 takder ker??..isk..kitorang pun ader wasiat gakkz tau...

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    eish.. dah berwasiat... herm... Kz nye opinion, guys will lost without their wife..but for woman, they still can survive without married and manage to handle everything in their house when they lost their husband.. my opinion la.. guys jangan marah....!!! hik hik hik....

    sayu lah berwasiat beginin..eishh taknak la...

  4. Anonymous2:41 PM

    erk...x tergamak...whuaaaaaa

  5. Israf : Kalau nko nak buat pun buleh , nanti update blog kay

    Kak Zura : I agree koz man cannot survive without a " women " by his side ..mostly la..

    Acctually bukan apa saja je nih sesuka je ...but ada logic nyer juga atleast ada org tahu . And kalau di takdirkan ada harta in the future i want all the things that i work hard for ..akan dapat to right person my son n hubby , but the most important is that i want my son to be a gud person, beriman dan berjaya ...and i want people to remember all the gud things about me ..insyaallah .

    memang kebenaran adalah benda yg paling pahit utk di telan ..but what ever will be will be ..the future not us to see..kuesera seraaa nyanyi plak .

    so look at the bright sight ...happy tagging

  6. sedih pun ada gak bila baca wasiat ni, nak tergelak pun ada... hai moon, thanks for visiting my blog! bleh la kalau nak link, apa salahnya! i will link urs ya!

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