Monday, August 18, 2008

Kisah si jantung hati

Pernah dengar tak org yg bagitau yg dia mempunyai irregular heart beat? Jarang kan golongan ini sangat special hahahha ( nyodapkan hati neh ) dalam kata yg kurang sopan cam alien pun ada hahahha .

Moon ada satu prob that is irregular heart beat . Darik sekolah menengah lagi mmg heartbeat berterabur track betul . Kadang dia slow habih cam keter habih minyak ..kadang laju giler cam kena kejang ngan anjing je . Bila dia dtg je mesti Moon akan ala laloq then fenin fenin lalat cam lagu dlm filem Ahmad Albab tew . The kena baring jap ..then dia ok balik .

Masa kat Trg ada check ...tapi katanya normal sebab u nih active sport ...ha ok la kan . Then recently moon asyik sakit dada je cam kena pijak2 je ..ha cam tew la rasanya . Every time kalau gie kinik mesti doc amik masa yg lama dengar nadi sebab biasa org ada dup dup je moon ada dup dap dup . Ada extra pulse between the pulse . I also dont know why 1st rasa takuts gaks . Sebab doc kasi refer letter ke pakar jantung hosp serdang . Bunyi nyer
sangat gempak kan . So pegi buat ECG sah mmg ada extra pulse. So rearange utk buat Echo , Stress Test n Holter . Amik nko 3 test sekalik gus . Pastuh ada dracula sedot darah haku ...6 - 7 botol kecik tew kena amik darah ...sangat la banyak . Nak juai ke apa neh?

Doc tew kata tak mungkin jantung u lemah or sakit sebab dah bersalin 2 kali , normal . During that time ur heart undergo a very great test ..jantung u mendapat tekanan yg sangat kuat sebab utk u n ur baby . Pastuh nak push lagi . Kalau ur heart ada problem masa tew dia org dah detect dah n tak mungkin u akan buley bersalin normal ....and if u have bradycardia maybe u dah pengsan time tew ur heart cannot cope up ......phewww thats a relief . Amin

So pergi la Moon wat test tew .
Echo nih cam scan jantung . During this test, high-frequency sound waves, called ultrasound, provide pictures of the heart's valves and chambers. I have to lie down for nearly 30 minutes .This is to evaluate blood flow across the heart's valves. Overall nye semer ok . The heart is in a gud shape . All part of the heart moves . All the champer n valves open and closed normally . So test nih saya lepas we off to the next test .

Second test is the stress test . Saya lom sampai bilik test tew saya dah stress ha cam ner tew ? Test nih kena lari atas treadmill for 11 minute s. Bunyi cam kejap kan ala kacang je . Sebenarnya sangat susah setiap minute dia akan laju kan kelajuan nyer . Sebelum lari my heart rate is 90 so dia target sampat 169 within 11 minutes . Kalau dah sampai 169 before 11 minutes tak per kalau dah 11 minute tak sampai target agi mmg sah saya nih bionic women .

Kena tepek2 benda alah tew kat badan cam gambo sebelah tew la ...sangat penat hokey cam nak pitam je ..lagi penat lagi laju siot tol mesin nih . Nih dia nak test how well ur heart handle work.
As your body works harder during the test, it requires more oxygen, so the heart must pump more blood.

A physician may recommend an exercise stress test to:

  • Diagnose coronary artery disease
  • Diagnose a possible heart-related cause of symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath or lightheadedness
  • Determine a safe level of exercise
  • Check the effectiveness of procedures done to improve coronary artery circulation in patients with coronary artery disease
  • Predict risk of dangerous heart-related conditions such as a heart attack.
The result : NEGATIVE maknanya semer ok ..semer yg bekalkan blood ke jantung semer ok berjalan lancar . Siot je mamat yg test moon . Siap sound biasa org2 tua je kena test nih , hari nih ada org muder plak ..hish mau aku lengsing je mamat nih . Tapi moon mmg cepat mengah nak berdarah je hidung nih sedut napas ...stop je treadmill tew tangan dah mengigil2 cepat2 kena suruh baring ...merah giler muker aku hahahahh sah mmg dah lama tak exersice .

The 3rd test is the Holter test , test nih moon kena pakai ecg record machine for 24 hours . Cam space cop gaban je rasanya ...dah la tang dada ngan bertepek2 pastuh punya banyak wayar ...waaaa tak ley mandi sampai besok . Sangat tak suka ..nak gerak pun susah nak tido pun susah ...tak suka tak suka ...

portable ECG recorder, called a Holter monitor (or continuous ambulatory electrocardiographic monitor). di pasang . EBnda alah nih will record 24 hours of continuous electrocardiographic signals. the Holter monitor is more like a "movie." For suspected arrhythmias that occur less than daily, a patient can wear an event monitor. In Holter monitoring, electrodes are taped to the chest. The wires are connected to a portable, battery-operated recorder that can run for 24 to 48 hours. You can do most normal activities while being tested. Then the tape is analyzed on a computer that rapidly identifies rhythm disturbances.

Hasil ujian darah semer ok ...semer ok gula tak tinggi semer ok la . Macam macam test dia buat . So alhamdulillah ...rasanya as long as i feel ok ...ok la kan . Its just that i still wanna know what causing this . Jgn tetiba aku jadi bahan ujian dah ....bayar arrrrrrr

Tido la moon bertemankan alat tew ...sbesok nyer kol 12 pegi balik hosp serdang utk serahkan balik mesin tew my next appointment is 5 / 9 utk tahu apa resultnya .


  1. hi moon...memang 1st time nury dgr pasal penyakit ni.Anyway alhamdulilah semua test lepas kan :)

  2. well.. i have 3 friends yg kena penyakit yg sama.. all of them is an athlete..menurut pakar kat gleneagles, ir-regular heart beat adalah normal utk athlete... my friend, siap tgh mlm kena bangun lari keliling rumah utk menstabilkan jantung dia..kalau x lari, dia rasa cam jantung mau pecah...jangan la risau.. xde apa2..

  3. re rina : Rina yer ke im not alone la lega rasanya . Mmg masa sekolah2 dulu i active giler sport skrg pemalas nak mampus . Tapi harap tak kena la bangun tgh2 malam lari lari ..

  4. moon..ko kene bersyukur sbb ko lain dari yg lain..hehe.. yg penting.. ko sihat..sumer ok! aku tekejut gak dgr ko citer.. tp kelaka gak ko kene lari kat treadmill tu kan? lama tu 11minit.. hahah.. basah kuyup ar ko.. huahahaha... tu maknanyer ko kene aktipkan diri mu balik..meh join aku gi futsal..bleh? suwuh jek sutan jaga anak...heheheh.. aku sokong!! (sutan jgn marah aku yer)

  5. if i am not mistaken.. takde ubat..ny best friend tu pun buat test sebiji cam u buat.. bawa gadget kat badan for 24 hours... anyhow, she's now actively gi gym and jogging to make sure heart beat dia tu normal la..

    ala.. u jaga anak2 pun sure dah exercise.. ;)

  6. if i am not mistaken.. takde ubat..ny best friend tu pun buat test sebiji cam u buat.. bawa gadget kat badan for 24 hours... anyhow, she's now actively gi gym and jogging to make sure heart beat dia tu normal la..

    ala.. u jaga anak2 pun sure dah exercise.. ;)

  7. wah moon... tak penah aku dengo camni.. tapi takperla.. as long as seme ok.. risau plak dengo jantung tak betul nieh.. ahahaha..

    mak aku sakit jantung.. tapi dier bukan terlebih degup... dier terkurang... hehhee.. miss degupan.. camana tah.. tapi.. ada gak buat test2 cam ko buat tuh...

    papepon.. aku doakan seme ok....aminnn

  8. penyakit sekarang...hope miera sentiasa okeh gitu...
