Thursday, February 12, 2009

PHOTOCLINIC 1 at ThePhotoMama

Thanks for all your support to ThePhotoMama.Com online community. A community who teach mommies on photography. In order to say thanks to all our supporters, we\'re glad to announce that there\'ll be a PHOTOCLINIC SESSION as per below details;

* Venue :
Perdana Lake Garden (Near Royal Lake Club) - Assembly point (Playground near the small roundabout)
* Time :
9.00 am - 11.00 am
* Date :
7 March 2009 - Saturday
* Fees : FREE for all premium members (RM45 for non premium members)
* Trainer : Saiful Nang
* Others : 1 premium members can bring maximum 2 non-premium members (other than husband or wife) but must be registered with TPMC community for FREE. But the priority will be given to the Premium Members.
* Activities : You shoot then I teach.
* RSVP : Please RSVP by putting your name here...

Moon boleh bwak 2 org ada yg berminat tak nak pegi percuma ..tapi kena daftar jadi ahli dulu kay .Let me know ya . Ada 1 kosong lagi . Filla nko nak follow tak . Aku reserved kan 1 utk nama nko .



  1. alaaa moonnnn..mencik tau aku!!!! asal aku baru nak tebuntang mata tgk ko offer aku..skali tgk date mesti aku x leh kan kan??? 7hb?? aku gi Ipoh anny kawin 8hb tuhhhh... mencik tau!!!!! kita wat kelas sendiri jeklah moon yer???? nanti ko ajo aku... sgt frust okeh!!!!!!!!!

  2. alaa fillanieeeeeeeee nak pegi wedding annnieeeeeeee frust munieeeeeeeee.

    tak pa la filla tak der rezeki mau ketemuk kamukkkkkk

    OK u ollssssss ada 2 tempat kosonggggggg sapa mau follow under moonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

  3. wah..cargas moon nih....sgt multitask suma keje leh buat hehehe...bagus2 go go caiyuk

  4. moon is it still available??
    i'm really interested :)..and i'm try my luck here.nak tanye adakah 'follow' moon bermaksud blh pergi & balik dgn moon skali..hehe nnti kita tuang minyak sama2 la. blh ka?? ;)

    let me know ok.

    ~kay@mummy danish~

  5. i'm interested too..but i'm not the premium la...

  6. dear all ...

    2 kekosongan masih ada ..its just that moon tgh tunggu jwapan sorang customer nih , kalau job tew jadi moon tak dapat la nak pegi .

    Kay nanti moon bagitau kay ya . kalau job tew start tgah hari mebi moon singgah kejap je

  7. wah best je....dah lepas pantang nieH..kosong lagik ke?? huhuhu
