Friday, July 03, 2009

The Show by Lenka

Im listening to this song ...ceria je it make u feel like ur eating a lolipop sambil kayuh basikal sambil kepala anda terlentok lentok ....angin menghembus rambut ....wahhhh imaginasi ke ...what is in your mind masa dengar lagu nih ...let me know kay . The best commentor nama nya akan di siarkan the best pengimaginasi ekekekekke

Isk pun suka lagu nih ..i want my money back ...i want my money back ...akakkak itew la duk ulang. sambil abg nyanyi adik plak sebuk joget joget akakkaka ...nampak cam tarian kadazan pun ada dik oooi ekekekekek .


  1. moon....bagus lah lagu nie....!!!kelakor pun ade

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  3. moon! kami pn soka amat lagu ini! huhu lagu ni kan ade ver ugly betty nye tuh..kalau dgr sure terasa mcm jd budak balik huhu..boleh wat ape je kan huhu! best...
