Friday, November 20, 2009

Hari yg penuh emosi

wah gitew kan mengikut tema sinar fm tau hahhahahaha . Yer saya mmg dgr sinar fm kalau pagi ar ...hahhahah ai folllowwwwwwwwww

well acctually im a bit dissapointed ...erm susah nak cakap . Thats the problem ...kiter org Melayu niih asek pikir nak jaga ati org je nak cakap pun takut org terasa ...but at the end sendiri makan ati ...mata sendiri yg bernanah ...telinga sendiri yg berdarah . Ermmmm well sometimes things does not happen as we plan it to be ....

So moral of the story is that ..respect others n others will respect u . If only 1 person talks about u that that must be kindda of personal attack but when everyone is saying and having the same problem with u then there must be something wrong ....fix it fast . Im not saying this only for that person but as a reminder for my self too ...kadang apa yg berlaku kiter kena amik iktibar n peringatan pada diri sendiri jugers ....sebab kadang kiter pun make the same mmistake . But org yg bijak pandai will not repeat the same mistake . Admiting the mistake is something noble ...since people will forgive u ...but when u denying things that are terang terang than ...sendiri mau ingat .

Yup kebenaran itew amat pahit utk di telan ....but kalau kiter nih mmg berperisa hempedu nak wat cam na ....cari la alternatif ....kesabaran org ada had nyer ...peluang pun ada had nya ..hope it ends well

p/s : this is my blog ...i can say n write whatever i like n what ever in my minds ...if this writing dapat menenangkan diri sendiri then im really thankfull koz it really helps ...if someone terasa while reading this ...1000 apology . Plz be more open n plz listen to what people wanna say ...dont berprasangka burok kat org kay . i know sutan will ask me to remove this entry koz its not nice ...but before he ask me to remove it i still wanna publish it .

So since today is Friday ....ada apa apa nak d kongsi ? sila lepas geram anda kat comment ya ...mebi bila kiter berkongsi cerita kiter lagi heppy ...lagi legaaaaaaaaa...sila lepas geram andaaaaaaaaa


  1. moon cam sama je emosi kita ni....aku pun hangin ngan seseorang yang leh dipanggil kawan..kes aku lak aku jenis tak puas hati ke apa aku ckp direct..bila aku tanya tak puas hati ngan aku ckp ..ckp tak de pape..alih2..kt blog dia leh hentam aku ....lg aku naik hangin la..pis di pagi jumaat

  2. cool kak moon!!
    kdg2 camtula kan...
    ape2 pon blog mmg leh jd tempat meluahkan perasaan yg terbaekkkk

  3. ** i folow tooo .. mmg sgt2 suke SINAR FM ..

    emmm lain mcm je emosi.. blog kan sdn bhd punye.. lantak pi le kite nak tepek hape pun kan.. dia nk baca, sila.. kalau rs2 x suke.. sign off ler...

  4. memang betol tu kak moon..asik kite je jaga hati orang..kita pon ada tahap kesabaran...erm...

  5. bukan niat kiter nak marah2 kan ...but plz bare in mind there are reason yg org jadi cam tew ...but kena find out la reason nya ....

    jgn ingat org nak cari pasal ngan kiter bukan sebab tew

    kalau moon ...mmg moon dgr org ckp but at the same time malu ke tak malu mmg ai tanya org tew terus ai nak dengar cerita dari mulut dia sendiri

  6. sll macam tu la..kadang kita jaga ati berkepuk2 kutuk kita kat belakang..haih..kadang2 nk berkawan pun malas kalo gini huhuhuhuhu..

    mak pun geram ni keje bykkk!!suma longgok kat mak abis org lain lenggang kangkung jek..grrrrrr

  7. Moon, xper lah entry ni, bkn mention nama sesape pon, so saper yg terasa sendiri mau ingat la...huhuu ponat nak jaga ati semua org....Moon, mai dah start cuti sek...bila nak outing?

  8. kalau dah makan tapi lapar lagi ...boley kategorikan sebagai geram takkkkkkkkkkkk

    eiii geram nih dah makan nak makan lagi apa ke hal nya nihhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...dah gie minum air suam banyak2 kasik kembung akakkaka

    eiiiiii geram jugers sebab dah 3 hari lift rosak asek naik tangga je akakkakakakakkaka fenatssssss

  9. moon..bagus aa tuh moon..ha cemana ng usana tu moon..bila nk story hihi

  10. Malam besok baru gie jumpa org tew ...mak nak try nutrimeal tew ...bila dah beli harus la mak jaja kat sini kannnnnnnnnnnnn tungguuuuuuuuuuuuu

  11. moon...

    adat kan hidup camtuh..
    tapi kan moon.. lenny rasa entry nieh takder buat saper2 terasa pon.. unless.. mmg dier ada buat salah la.. baru dier akan terasa... sbb very general moon...

    i told u before.. and going to tell u over and over again.. moon nieh baik ati sangatttt.... tuhla dalam situasi apa pon.. moon cuba tak nak sakitkan ati sesapa....

  12. moon, sabar ye... tp nape ek??

  13. tak der apa la ila .....mmg bila kiter tgh marah tgh tak puas hati mmg cam nih ....

    tapi bila dah kewl balik tak der la rasa tewwwwwwwwwwww

    tak der apa ...just melepas geram on friday ...on saturday ai dah lupa dah napa ai tak puas hati hahhaha
