Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I dah tgk Faster

Ye yeeeeey smalam ai pegi dating ngan pakwer ai ....we ols pegi tgk wayanggggggggg euuuwww gediks nyaaaaaaaaaaaa

Yo la kan dapat tiker PREE dari Nuffnang harus la kan excited akakkakak ..so so poyo . Walaupun ramai sangat bloggers but i managed to cam beberapa org je and one of them is JMR . Pastuh nampak la Audrey fourfeetnine ....wohooo she is so small n so comels....tp segan la plak kan nak pegi kat org nak ajak amik gamba kan ...nko apa hal kan ( malu hokey ) so me n my pakwer duk je sitew tunggu jam 9 nak masuk wayang ...ramai nya manusia so fenuhs....

SInce ai antara 6 7 org yg terawal ai dapat SINGLET FASTER u olsssssssss tp yg lawak nya size M hua hua hua nak jugers tewwwwwwwwwwww akakkakakak tak pa la ley simpan kasik kat Isk .

Nak dpt tiket nih kan senang je kan ...cuma kena tulis kenapa nak pegi tgk citer nih ....nak tgk ke apa ai tulis ...auw malu .....sebab pak sutan paksa suh tulis ( walhal dia yg nak sgt pegi tgk kan ) ....so ready yaaaaaaaaaaa

  1. Moon Says:

    Faster ….faster la ….Ye la Im writing as fast as i can

    A must see movie indeed especially when Dwayne Johnson were the main actor . He is cute and loving in The Backup Plan and sooper dooper cute in The Tooth Fairy and Im sure he will be super macho in this Movie .

    The Rock runs out of prison after 10 years and starts hunting down the guys responsible for killing his brother.He’s set on revenge and he will stop at nothing .

    So I think the driver will succeed .

    So is he gonna drive faster …run from the cop faster …or accomplish his mission faster …well I dont know . Nuffnang have to give me the ticket so that I can find it by myself .

    Can u smelllll what the rock is cooking ?

Oppss so gelabah hokey sebab memula tulis lg panjang tapi bila klik submit ilang ....pastuh tulis lagi skali ...lagi gelabah siap salah tulis apa hal citer J lo blakon ada kaitan ngan the Rock ...see so vengong sebab komen kol 1 am ++ ha cam tew laaaaaaa

so kaver la line balik la kannnnnnnnn

  1. Moon Says:

    oppsss …I wanna write The Game Plan acctually . Thats what happen when your finger type faster than ur brain LOL

    A must see movie indeed especially when Dwayne Johnson were the main actor . He is cute and loving in The Game Plan and sooper dooper cute in The Tooth Fairy and Im sure he will be super macho in this Movie .

    sorry ya cikgu

hahhahah nasib baik la dapat kan Tiker free hokeyyyyyy tak kuar kan peluh pun .....

My review :

- Citer nih ok ...sebab the rock blakon . Umak aiii ketol2 badan dia ....kalau cucuk jarum kuar angin tak

- Tak der nama ok ....tak tahu apa nama the rock nih cuma dia di beri nama DRIVER je ....pastuh ada KILLER and COP .

- action dia tak der la super pack ...its more to membalas dendam . Lepas menyaksikan adik dia di bunuh depan mata dia dia tekad nak membalas dendam dengan membunuh semer yg terlibat

- Dia org 1 team pegi rompak bank ...pastuh dia org plak di rompak sebab ada org perangkap dia org ....masa tew la semer kena tembak n di bunuh ...the rock nih pun tp dia terselemat n hidup n menjalani hukuman penjara selama 10 thn .
- Kuar je dari penjara terus dia cari sorang2 n bunuh semua ...perggg tembak terus ke kepala hokey ...so kena pegi saksikan

And i would like to thanks Nuffnange sebab kasik tiket nih ....and minggu sebelum nya utk Season of the witches ...alamak tew lom kasik review
citer nih besttttttttttt aiii like walaupun tak banyak witches kat dalam tew but still ai akan kasik 2 thumbs up
so yg terbaru ni malas plak nak join sebab nya dah banyak kali tgk wayang sebulan 2 nih cam me n sutan acara membalas dendam kan ......lg pun sian bebudak kan ......so kowang sapa nak dpt tiker free the green hornet sila la join ya dengan membuat entry ini :

Write a blog post titled “If I Were the Green Hornet”, and tell us what you would do to stop crime.

and yg paling gelabahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sebab ai ngan pila akan join ini


tekan sket lagi
hua hua so glabah hokey


  1. i pon dh tgk Faster!!heheheh..best x citer tu? mcm slow je kan, igtkn lagi faster..

    nice meeting akk!! kl dpt join nom nom, leh race mkn nih..geng k.fila ke? hm...:-p

  2. yup sedikit slow compare ngan tajuk faster ...

    mebi faster in killing n driving n shooting
