Thursday, July 26, 2012

Korean Drama - I Do I Do

Yang nih pun baru habis jugaks ....sangat lawak la citer neh . Dia pasal sorang mamat muda yg handsome nih ...moon sangkut pun sebab Lee Jag Woo nih kan tgh we got married ngan Eun Jung kan bila dia belakon drama harus la nak tgk . Hu hu

org pompuan suka kots tgk citer neh sebab pasal pereka kasut .....di kampeni yg buat kasut . Cam na mamat muda nih ley tersangkut pada president kampeni yg buat kasut . Pastuh 1 malam dia org mabuk2 pastuh terbabas pastuh pompuan yg berusia sket nih preggy ....ahhahahha haru biru di buat nya . Mmg best n santai je citer dia ...yg penting ada Jang Woo 

 Total Episodes: 16

Status: Completed

Genres: romance, comedy

Description: Kim Sun-ah will play Hwang Ji-an, a thirtysomething top shoe designer, who commands the attention of a room and always looks impeccable. At work, she’s basically described as The Devil Wears Prada‘s version of a boss, which means of course that her life will come crashing down to earth off her self-made pedestal, when she takes her first left turn from The Life Plan by sleeping with the rookie. The hero, Park Tae-kang, is a naive but ambitious new hire at the company, who’s got nothing but a high school diploma and a good work ethic to his name.

 so sapa nak tgk ley layan ek ........nih complete episode nya



  1. sukerrr nyer... syg moon ketat-ketat ni....

  2. wah..boleh tgk nie..Ayu memang suka cita korea..tq coz kasi link

  3. Aduhhh drama korea lagi dan ada langsir raya yg tak siap ni kang!! aduhhh hehehehe

  4. suka citer ni.. sy tersangkut dengan cerita ni pon sebab pelakon dia.. ni..
    hero dia berlakon dalam 'man of honor' best...
    tapi akak perasan tak pompuan heroin tu makin lama berlakon makin nampak muda..

  5. Oh!! cite ni i memng suka coz cite dia best dan termasuk ler ost dia. Suka lagi ggeot beoda kunyeo nyanyian yesung super junior....
