Monday, October 01, 2012

canteknya katil nih

olo ....mana nak cari tukang kayu yang ley wat katil cenggini ya la sungguhsssssss

 kalau sesapa tahu mana ada tukang kayu ley wat katil cenggini sila share ya pastuh yang best nya sebab ada cara cara nak buat complete dah arahan nya kat web ni...

kat sini


  1. a'ah la.. best la k'moon!
    nak jugak la utk bilik ank2 ni.. lawaaaa..

    Klau tau share la k'moon.. tp yus ada kenal org keja bhgian pertukangan perabot kat MARA.. dia ckp bleh tmpah klo ada dsign.. cuma x tau la upah brapa plak! huhu..

  2. dekat ngan umah sue ade satu kedai mcm kilang perabot. melayu. maybe dia bole buat sbb kawan sue tempah almari la kabinet la kat kedai tu. murah dari kedai perabot. kat taman mesra, kajang

  3. rasenye kt ikea penah nmpk katil cmni..kalau x slp la.. bestkan..mcm main pondok2.. :D

  4. You could just approach any carpenter. As long as you have the drawing and dimensions, they can do it for you. Their labour cost is not that high. The kayu itself is expensive. Get the high quality and solid one (but not too heavy), for this project.
    Good luck!

    I want to share one of my materialised designs with you -

    (no, i didnt have the carpenter's contact number)

  5. yg bunk deck tu akk beli kat ikea kura pattern mmg sebijik camtu cume tangga kat tepi bukan kat depan camtu hehehe
