Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dia dah start tanya dah

Rasa nya semua ibu bapa misti akan lalui saat saat nih . Saat di ajukan soalan yg kadang kita rasa susah nak explain dengan lebih lanjut . 

Malam tadik terdengar perbualan anak ngan ayah hahahha ...masa tuh moon kat tandas duk cebok kan si kecik Sarah tuh ...skrg rutin dah bukan berak di kala waktu pagi , tapi skrg berak sebelum tido .

Daddy apa bulu pubis

eh Isk dengar dari mana 

Hari nih Isk belajar kat sekolah . mata pelajaran kesihatan . Ustadz pun ada ajar pasal baligh . Isk tahu pasal baligh tapi bulu pubis apa 

Ooo nanti kalau Isk dah baligh ...Isk akan mimpi pastuh cam terkencing tuh kan ...pastu Isk tumbuh bulu kat ketiak ...Isk kuar misai sket2 ..badan Isk pun membesar n akan kuar bulu kat bebird tuh . Tuh tanda2 dah nak besar la tuh 

Apa bebird ada bulu jugak ke ....euuuw ....hishhh pelik pelikkkk

Perbualan di akhiri dengan gelak yg kuat giler ....nasib baik dia tanya bapak dia . Kalau dia tanya mummy aduuu cam na nak explain ...kalau yaya tanya ok la lagi kan nak jawab . Teringat plak masa kecik2 dulu pun suka tanya soklan kat mak ...bila boleh pakai modes jugok cam org beso ...tgk pad pun ley rasa kagum . Ntah hapa hapa ...

Sempat la Moon tanya Sutan ...dia tahu ke baligh tuh apa .Pak Sutan kata ...tahu dohs sebab tadik dia explain n dia faham hahahhahahah 

nih la soklan yg bakal akan di tanya . Mungkin masa cikgu explain semer segan nak tanya ....bila balik umah terus mintak di explain kan . But still dia org lom tahu baby kuar kot mana hahhahaha . Nanti korang dah besar sket korang tahu la sendiri ya .  Baru korang tahu cam nak tercabut nyawa nak lahir kan sorang2 . 

credit to puberty101
5 Stages of Puberty for Boys
With questions and answers below.
  1. Normal Age Range: 9-12, Average: about 10
    Male hormones are becoming active, but there are hardly, if any, outside signs of development. Testicles are maturing, and some boys start a period of rapid growth late in this stage.
  2. Normal Age Range: 9-15, Average: 12-13
    Testicles and scrotum begin to enlarge, but penis size doesn’t increase much. Very little, if any, pubic hair at the base of the penis. Increase in height and change in body shape.
  3. Normal Age Range: 11-16, Average: 13-14
    Penis starts to grow in length, but not much in width. Testicles and scrotum still growing. Pubic hair starts to get darker and coarser and is spreading towards the legs. Height growth continues and body/face shape look more adult. Voice begins to deepen (and crack). Some hair around the anus grows.
  4. Normal Age Range: 11-17, Average: 14-15
    Penis width increases, as well as length. Testicles and scrotum still growing. Pubic hair begins to take adult texture, although covers a smaller area. Most boys have first ejaculations. Underarm hair develops. Facial hair increases on chin and upper lip. Voice gets deeper and skin gets more oily.
  5. Normal Age Range: 14-18, Average: around 16
    Nearing full adult height and physique. Pubic hair and genitals have adult appearance. Facial hair grows more completely and shaving may begin now or soon. During the late teens and early twenties, some men grow a bit more and develop more body hair, especially chest hair.


  1. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh kebetulan moon...lieya mlm tadi mia tanye...die bagitau kawan sekelas die ade yg dah period....(pitam darjah 4 dah period)...pastu aku tanye la mia tau ke period tu ape semua...die ckp die tau sikit2 sebab dah belajar kat pendidikan kesihatan...oo bagus jugak kan dah belajar....so nanti kite tgl 'touch up' sikit2 je ilmu pasal nie....

    jgn lee mia period awal sgt...biar tingkatan 1 baru period keee heheheeheh

  2. Hehhee my sons (9+8yo) asyik la tanye dia kuar ikot mane.. Belom pernah explained lagi..

  3. mencabar nak jawab soklan-soklan bonus ni ;p
