Tuesday, April 07, 2015

WhatsApp Web

hu hu mebi ramai dah tahu kot tapi Moon baru tahu hari nih lepas tuh cam kagum giler . Sapa yg buat neh sangat genius hokey n u memudahkan kije ai muahahah

Phone Moon screen dia cam problem sket sebab mcm ada few spot cam dead pixel . Kadang tekan benda lain , benda lain yg kuar . So menaip whats app kadang asek typo je ..misti org ingat apa la moon ngeja pun asek salah ...its acctually my phone hokey ...

So Pak Sutan dtg terus bgtau ...saya ada solution utk masalah screen phone awak ...ok masuk web nih buat tu buat neh .......

So memula sekali sila masuk ke link nih . WhatsApp Web

Dekat phone korang masuk ke Whats App then ke setting > pilih WhatsApp Web

Then sila ke laptop anda yg dah ke WhatsApp Web n scan the QR Code ...

terus phone n laptop korang berhubung  ...n korang ley nampak semer conversation di phone kini di screen laptop anda

 so korang akan nampak cam nih la ....perg senang hokey . Moon lagi suka menaip dari tok tek tok tek kat phone ...sebab dasar jari besor n giant kan hikssssssssss

tapi sebagai langkah keselamatan make sure laptop korang sentiasa di lock kay

kalau boleh takyah simpan history kat browser . So everytime masuk url scan balik QR code n guna WhatsApp Web

So selamat mencuba korang


WhatsApp Web is not another WhatsApp account. When you use WhatsApp on your computer and your phone, you are simply accessing the same account on these two devices.
There are a few minimum requirements to enjoy WhatsApp Web:
  • You need to have an active WhatsApp account on your phone.
  • You need to have a stable internet connection on both your phone and your computer.
  • You need to use the latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera as your web browser.
To get started with WhatsApp Web you must first pair your phone and computer:
  • Visit web.whatsapp.com on your computer.
  • Open WhatsApp on your phone and go to Menu > WhatsApp Web.
  • Scan the QR Code on your computer.
From your phone, navigate to WhatsApp Web to view your Logged in computers or to logout from an active WhatsApp Web session.
NOTE: To avoid data usage charges on your phone, we recommend that you are always connected to Wi-Fi when using WhatsApp Web.
WhatsApp Support Team

1 comment:

  1. new knowledge nieH.....
    bagus Moon
    ila nyer screen phone dah lah gelap.....

    dengan cara ni..boleh menaip dengan tenang di pc
