Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Dear Readers n beloved Follower

Many many thanks to all of u ...Moon terima banyak email n pm n sms pasal cam mana dia org puas hati dapat beli kain yg cantek , bermutu n tentunya pada harga yg sangat murah di Globe . Thanks to Globe sebab percaya kan Moon utk pomot kan kat my blog .

Moon tersenyum bila baca komen nih i wanna share this comment with u . Thanks to this person ...and those yg kasik feedback that makes me feel so good inside and sebab dpt bantu kowang utk berjimat ..

Salam Moon,

Thank you very much for the advert. It was really a great help to save the budget for curtain of my new house. I have been searching around for best quotation of curtains for the past three months and all the quotation that I got ranging from RM17k to RM12k. Finally, Globe has offered me a quotation for only RM6k with the same curtain requirements. ;-)

please ...i do wanna hear more from u guys / gals . I just wanna 2 know how many lucky person yg managed to get n grab this special offer and saved alot of their money .

Just tinggal kan comment apa pendapat anda ttg offer nih ....just write

- moon ai dah pegi and ai rasa .................................

kalau kowang segan ke apa u can post it as anon ...or apa apa . I just wanna know .

I know i should have left a book kat sana where u can write down ur name or blog and contact kan .. but then ai rasa cam tak perlu pun ada ...but deep inside my heart i do wanna know . I rasa happy sangat sebab ai dapat bantu kowang n dapat share benda nih ngan kowang .

Kenapa perlu spend n bayar penuh bila anda dapat bayar separuh ...renung renung kannnnnnn and happy shopping everyone .


  1. salam kak moon.. senyap2 dlm hati dh melonjak2 nk jugak gi globe sblm abis promosi akak ni.maklumla,duit extra baru masuk.dh verangan nk langsir mcm kak moon gak.. hehe. thanks kak moon bg peluang cenggini kt reader belog ahkak yg fofular.. ;)
    *bila la FREE gaknye nk ke sane, nk kendong anak kecik lagi..lalalala..

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    kak moon kite br nak g nxt week... dtg dr johor tau..

  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    akak, saya dah pegi 2 minggu lepas.. dia ckp 10hari siap, tp sy pegi 2 ari lepas, xsiap lagi.. erm. cane?.
    best kat sane.. bannyyyaaakkkk.. rambang mata jadinye.. customer service best. cuma ada yg sy rasa xbest sket.. sb org tu mcm xsama mcm yg akak slalu ckp.. ;)
    nk tnye, 1 panel rm10 kan?... kalo 4 panel =RM40.00 kan. mmg mcm tu ke?. ke kira sekeping

  4. Nusaybah5:20 PM

    I am smiling too while reading my comments to be posted in such manner... I just went to the house with Ilyas today to do the measurement. Perhaps I'll share the picture with you once it is ready.... or Moon wants to come and take the photo instead...he..he... I believe the marketing will be more impactful with photo taken by a professional photographer...

  5. Anon ...biasa dalam 10 days depend pada banyak mana tempahan pada satu satu masa n berapa banyak quantity yg kiter tempah . Since ia nya di hantar to profesional sewing service it maybe amik masa sket . But most of the time the biasa 10 hr siap .

    But Nov n Dec hahhahah readers kak moon kemain ramai pegi mebi dia org terima banyak sangat tempahan LOL

    Im so sorry kalau u tak dapat layanan yg baik . Please do email me the detail so that kak moon ley highlight kan benda nih to their management ...

    hahhahah tetiba jadi customer representative laks ...Mr Ketan , u have to pay me more la kalau cam nih hahahha . Marketing manager cum PR cum advertising manager and Customer Representative hahhahahah and blog advertising hiksssssssssss

    just share with me so that ur comment ley dia org pakai utk perbaiki service mereka in the future

    i would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope that u will enjoy shopping at Globe in the future .


    ( huwaaa so skema ...)

  6. Nusaybah

    sorry for not asking for your permission first . Ur comment just make me smile and makes me so happy koz i can make other happy too ...that's why im sharing it with my blog readers .

    Thanks for your invitation ...its an honor for me to go to ur house .But I really cant make it since im fully booked this month .

    Maybe i can go there for the housewarming :) hiksssssssss please do invite me ya hahahhahah.

  7. Salam...

    Moon, saya save in total RM500 (untuk umah kecik saya)..masa buat langsir rumah baru hari tu. Saya pergi yang last time sale..Wallah..rambang mata sangat. Khan asik tergelakkan saya yang kejap2 tukar..nak yang tu..nak yang ni. Baru2 ni, in November, saya g sekejap..lalu je kat situ n tunjukkan kat kawan..sempat ronda sekejap, tu pun sempat rembat 2 meter kain nak buat sarung bantal..Rasa2nya macam nak g lagi...nak beli kain untuk buat sarung kusyen spare..haish giler betul offer ni..Thanx moon..share sale ni..Dah lama nak tinggal komen..tapi sibuk manjang.. Sampaikan salam untuk norma ya...

  8. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Hye Kak Moon :)
    Kak Moon tqvm for the info and guidance. sy dah pegi and it was owesome! Khan is very helpful and nice. bila mention je kak moon punya blog, Khan dah senyum..the price mmg sgt affordable..thanks a bunch kak moo :) tq tq tq. bila curtain dah siap i'll email pada kak moon nnt.

