Friday, December 09, 2011

Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Award 2011

Dear Blogger,

We cordially invite you to the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011. Event details are as follows:
Date: 16 December 2011 (Friday)
Time: 6.30 pm (Registration)
8.00pm (Awards commences)
Venue: Grand Ballroom, Putrajaya Marriott
Dress code: Formal (Black Tie)

About the Awards

The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 will take place in Putrajaya Marriott, Kuala Lumpur on 16 December 2011. Proudly sponsored by the Volkswagen Group Malaysia, the Awards will see 500 of the region’s top influencers on topics such as food, travel, fashion and more gather once again to celebrate the best of the best in the blogosphere.

hu hu tak rugi buat entry pasal My Nuffnang Story ari tew akakkaka . So me n my friend Fillaniee akan hadirkan diri . Excited mengalahkan org terima award hahahhahahha so Filla kata Ceeramoon n Zaimah Viruspadu akan pergi jugaks sapa lagi yg pegi jom la pegi together2 kalau tak misti malu malu ai huahuahua

Ai lepas dpt email jemputan dr Nuffnang terus glabah call Fillanieeeeee

Fillannniiie ni Munnieee ....wey nko dapat tak invitation ...aku dapat dow

Aku pun dapat ....yeyyeyeyeyeyyeyey tp nak pakai baju apaaaaaaaaaaaa

Ha ha la kannnnnnnnnn alamakssssssssssss

Wey nko dtg bersiap kat umah aku kay then kiter pegi sama sama ....

hiksssssssssss excited gilorssssssss ....hahhahahah so very the glabah kan ai neh ......yer la ai mana pernah pegi benda2 cam nih baju pun tak der .....( geget kuku ............waaaaaaaaaaa)


  1. Salam Moon..
    Kite pun dapat, nanti kita jumpa ye kenal-kenal, btw selalu baca blog Moon...

  2. tahniah dpt invitation!

  3. Mak Dara pun dapat jemputan tp mak takde geng uwaaaaa segan pulak kalau sorang2 je ke sana dan rasanya mak tak pegi kot huhuhuhuhuhuhu
