Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Nak mintak 1 vote

Assalamualaikum semua

Akak nak mintak tolong u ols ni utk vote akak n Sarah dlm page Smartmum Asia . 1 LIKE = 1 VOTE

Kalau u ols free free kebetulan kat tangan ada phone n mmg tgh duk login FB tu boleh la klik satu kali ....hiksssssssssss

sebab u ols yg bantu vote juga boleh berpeluang menang hamper bernilai RM200 tau

tq u ols ...mana tahu kalau ada rezeki utk akak n Sarah. MMmmmuahhhs


What a fantastic day we had at Mothercare Malaysia Mother's Day Blogger Event! We can’t wait to share the happy moments with all of you!

Big thankyou to all our mom's for attending! To celebrate Moms, you have a chance to win and what you need to do is as simple as casting 1 vote for your favour blogger! Action NOW!

1. Like Smart Mum & Share this post
2. Vote for your favour blogger’s photo (click “Like” on your favourite blogger photo)
3. The top 3 photos with highest “Like” will win. Winners and one of their random voters will WIN exclusive gifts from Bloom & Grow.Top 3 bloggers/media will win a Gro Hamper worth up to RM500 while one of their fans will win a Trunki EAT range hamper worth up to RM200.

*T&C apply *Till by 26 May 2017, 11.59pm.

1 comment:

  1. Salam,

    Kak moon..kenal n jadi silent reader akk mase yaya baby lg..sekarang dah anak dara da..taun ni bz..xsempat nak jengah..ttibe bukak page akk..terkezut..ingtkan ade baby baru lg slps sara..rinduu nk baca blog akk
