Thursday, February 09, 2012

Birthday Planning - 1) Guestbook

Beutiful Guest Book by Scrapaperclip

mmg sangat gorjess hokey n this is a handmade artwork by Farah Diyana a very talented girl . Many many thanks dik sebab buatkan nih utk Rafiq ...semer org kagums je masa tgk buku nih ..

and buku nya juga sangat tebal so mmg puas hati la kowang nak wat karangan melebihi 200 patah perkataan ...LOL
kucing belon yg bolat tew mmg sesuai sangat ngan Rafiq yg bam bam tew ...aiii likeeeeeee

Nanti Norma dah sihat ...Norma ley baca ek setiap wish yg org tulis buat Rafiq ...Norma cepat2 sihat ya nanti Rafiq 2 tahun kiter sambut sama sama lagi ek .

So sapa berkenan kat buku nih ...kowang misti lagi tergoda tgk buku2 lain nih hasil kerja tangan Farah

guest books


n beutifull rossetes n pins .

So cek it out this awsome girl kat blognya ya


I wanna share about : Guestbook , Cakes n Cupcakes , T- Shirts , Banner n Mineral bottle wrapper , Macaroons , Oreo Choc n Icing Sugar Cookies , Goodies Bag by Bingkisan


  1. kak moon ! thanks for the tribute tauuu sgt2 terharu =) thanks and sy mendoakan norma cepat2 sembuh oke =) dan akak sukses selalu..stay in touch kak !

  2. kak moon syt dh buat entry untuk akak jgk tauuu =)

    Link :

    Thank you so much for the appreciation given...I wud be happy to help more in the future..just let me know oke kak =)
