Dengar sini kowang2 semua ....hikssssssssss jualan 50% kembali lagi
Semua barang 50%
Hanya utk Blog Reader Moon
Di Sarah Hughes Globe Jalan TAR
Lvl 4 n 5
Jualan akhir tahun semer jadi sangat murah ...insanely cheap
Just mention " Saya baca blog Moon " and anda akan dapat potongan 50% utk semua kain
So sapa yang tak sempat sopink masa bulan poser hari tew ...nih la masa nya ...
Nov 2011 - Dec 2011
sila lihat entry sebelum nih masa offer sebelum raya ari tew kat sini-label Sarah Hughes
kalau tak caya pasal offer nih sila la tgk entry2 sebelum nih ....u have to see it to believe it or datang sendiri baru tahu hahahahha
Ai excited sangat bila dpt email dr pihak management Globe ...ai ingat sebelum raya tew je la dia nak offer utk my blog reader tapi Alhamdulillah dia org offer lagi sekalik ...ini semua sebab kowang sangat sporting n beri sambutan yg menggalakkan sangat ( sampai licin kain dia org kowang kerjakan ) . ...so im sharing this with all of u my blog reader ...baca blog baca jugaks kan ....tp at the same time dapat benefit cam nih sapa tak mo kan ....so jgn lepas kan peluang neh sebab tak tahu bila la plak dia org nak oofer cam nih kat Moon kan ....
Subject: Re: Participation of Special Offer "I wanna Be in Your Home!"
"Dear Moon,
I hope all is well with you. It's been a long time since we last met!
I have been really busy travelling for work and finding good offer fabrics !
My team at Globe really enjoyed with your bloggers and we really felt it was like a big happy family meeting up!
As such, we at Sarah Hughes would like your blog followers and yourself to enjoy a limited time offer of 50% discount.
This time around, our prices are reduced and we are clearing our fabrics to bring in the next new collection.
Also, our new arrivals from Turkey are also up on offer! From Nov till December, you and your friends and family will be able to get really good discounts and prices that you will never get!
Kastilla range of goods are going as cheap as Rm3.30/m, whilst stocks last!
Turkish goods will go as cheap as RM9.00/m after discount whilst stocks last!
Again, we are not going to advertise in the papers so that you and your friends will get to enjoy these one off designs for your new home
We await your kind response.
Warmest Regards "