Monday, April 25, 2011

URGENT UPDATE : Norma is +ve for

Dear friends,

I tak tahu cam na nak write this but the result is out

Norma nyer tumor adalah brain cancer stage 4

Be strong ya Talib strong for Rafiq ....

Sorry ai tak ada strength nak tulis ....there's nothing much i can say . But selagi nyawa di kandung badan kita tak patut berputus asa ....kita kena terus kan usaha n bertawakal padanya .

Andai kata kiter tewas in the fighting biar la kerana kiter berusaha rather than just sit and do nothing . Kami sentiasa akan support kowang

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pak sutan ..

24 April 2011

Dear friends please pray for my hubby . He,s now in Hosp Serdang ....operation nya akan di jalan kan besok 25 April 2011

My other half mmg ada strong family hostory of colon canser . My FIL dah operate total colectomy 6 years ago Pak Sutan telah volunteer utk pegi colonoscopy on 2 Feb 2011 ada good news n bad news nyer la kan ..

Good news is that he come early for the screening and he's very lucky that the doctor ley tahu awal

Bad news is that he has 2 tumor in his colon ..1 in the ascending colon n another one kat descending colon

According to the same doctor yg operate his father 6 years ago ....he knows by looking at the size of the tumor and based on the family history ...he knows that it will turn into censer

We are mentally prepared for this its just that i never expect that it will be this soon la kan ...mebi dalam maybe another 5 to 10 years ...but to semua kuasa tuhan kan . Kami redha ...dalam kesedihan kami terima berita tew ...kami terima pulak berita pasal Norma .

Sutan selalu kata ...jgn mummy sedey pasal nih sebab papa dah operate 6 thn sudah n dia sihat sampai sekarang . Dalam susah dia ...susah lagi kes Norma .

Yes he's very +ve about this ...infact he is stronger than me . I know deep inside he';s heart dia la org yg paling risau ...worried about his wife n kids n family.... I always sebak when he talks about 'andai nya daku pergi sebelum mu ' that kind of stuff and ai misti marah ...but then when dia nampak cam ai nak nangis then dia misti come out ngan silly silly jokes which makes me smile again

I know its hard for me and this is my biggest challenge so far . I hope I can be strong enough to support him in any way and strong enough for my kids . Alhamdullillah mmg la recently mmg banyak dugaan yg kami hadapi but benda benda tew mengkentalkan jiwa kita org ..yeah berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu yg memikul but insyaallah ada banyak bahu yg turut sama support kita org .

Insyaallah besok Sutan akan jalani pembedahan to remove all his colon . Since result lab pun dah kukar 2 mingu lepas both of the tumor contain cancer cell no point of keeping it kan ..

Dont wory he's healthy cam biasa tak der tanda2 cam org sakit pun onfact still jugak pulun main badminton ..and i hope dia akan stay strong and doakan utk speedy recovery .

So kesan dia pas nih ...dia akan cerry berry mebi dalam few months then insyaallah akan back to normal .

He's now in hosp serdang . I'll be on leave for a week plus to jaga my beloved hubby blog nih akan sunyi sket . so just sms me kalau ada apa apa kay .

ai ada another shocking news about Norma auto publish kan utk entry besok .

ok nak rush ke hosp ...assalamualaikum..


Thursday, April 21, 2011

blog tgh giler

Sila abaikan ....kesepahan blog niih ....tetiba laks jd vengong

sabar ek ai tgh nak betul kan sambil ubah2 sket ...
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