Im doin ok ...even the road is not a straight one but a I manage la . Got plenty of prob . So many things yang nak kena pikir . Ngan masalah family lagi . Well i have to try my best to manage it . Work is ok alhamdulillah . Need to sharpen up the skill . So many things yang tak tahu .
Ok go to gud stuff , Isk is 1 year 8 months . Si mamat nih lom leh cakap lagi ...cakap bahasa sendiri ada la hahahhah but mummy leh paham la kehendak dia . Banyak songeh ..itew memang . He's a boy now...masa berjalan ngan pantas skalik .



MOON, sabor je laa moon. Life must go on. Aku kan ade. Aku tetap akan sayang ko. Your the best frend i had. Thanks for being there for me.
Azie itew la..thanks alot . True friends are those person who are dare to be ur self .
Dear friend please bear in mind that i will always be ur friends . If there's anything u need to say u better said it right into my face.
Ila pun ada cakap kat moon ...please ingat all those things that make u happy rather that those things that make u sad or angry . A gud person is the person who can control their anger please tell to u self im life to the fullest
sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit kan ..thanks ya azie . Sonok dpt kawan cam nko . i love u muahs muahs
whatever pun..some one will always right beside u...i will always be there for u....hope our friendship will last forever..
Moon, Mai pun sayang Moon, Mai sayang semua kwn2 yg rapat ngan Mai, lg satu kan Moon, kengkadang kita kena confront, kalo d other party dok simpan benda yg kecik pun lama2 pun boley jadik isu besar, kalo dia tanak say straight to yr face i think it's ok if u ask her whats wrong...n betulkan misunderstanding yg ada, kita pun tak jenoh pk what hv i done wrong kan....kengkadang walo besar mana tak kepuasan hati org tu x setanding ngan persahabatan yg telah dibina...Kita ni jenis mudah terasa kan Moon...sedih bila org buat camtu kat kita...I'm exactly like u Moon, selalu risau apa org pk, but like Ila said, just remember that u're one of a kind, unique in yr own special way...Mai mmg suka kwn ngan Moon...don't worry too much and enjoy life! :-)
MoOn..hopefully now everything is ok.. :)
hr tu mOoN ada call nak minta tlg check kan no.. pastu naper tak call balik?? kita tertunggu2 gak masa tu...
Ibu Shasha , itew la rupanya itew nom Maxis bukan Digi ..lupa nak bagitau balik ...sian nunggu ..
moon, kita darik opis lagik jenuh dok try nk drop comment. ni kali ni kalo tak jadik jugak tatau ler
haah...dah lama sungguh blog ni sunyi.kalo tak dulu rajin jugak moon publish entry baru kan :D
i feel u...
and totally agree with u...
hope to see u tomolo ya?
Mai , thanks . Tak pe everything that happen pasti ada sebab nya . I have my own reason to ....and i have a gud reason to support my action . No hal pnyer . Mmg betui , Moon pun sama asyik nak jaga ati org ajer ...kadang org wat kiter sakit hati pun kiter diam je bengkek je makin lama makin bengkek . Mai ok gaks sound direct ja ..eiii saya takutsss jarumm
Anne , i hope so toooo .
Anna , moon mmg malas sgt nak nulis ..FP lagi rancak rasanya . Syok baca blog org . Blog Anna, Anne, Mai ..
Lenny , yup must go on ...mana ada org yg bahagia sepanjang masa tanpa cobaan dan dugaan kan ...kalau ada nak jugak jumpa org tuh hi hi hi
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