1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog

Starting time : 4.00 pm
Name : Munirah Abd Rahman
Sisters : 3
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog

Starting time : 4.00 pm
Name : Munirah Abd Rahman
Sisters : 3
Brothers : 4
Shoes size : 8 / 9
Height : 168 cm
Where do you live : Sri Kembangan , Selangor
Have you ever Been on a plane : Yes
Swam in the ocean : Yes ..not ocean tapi pantai adalah ...kira ocean gaks la kan
Fallen asleep at school : At school tak pernah koz i love school ..opis slalu ar hik hik
Broken someone's heart : Once , my reason koz nak SPM hahaha kejam sungguh .
Fell off your chair : Kat sekolah , my friend dia tarik kerusi masa i nak duduk ..
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : lama dulu ...
Saved e-mails : Only work related...ayorkkkk 2005 nyer mail pun ada
What is your room like : Yellow wall ..simple . Ada katil Yaya tew je . Sangat kosong hahah
What's right beside you : my handphone and tones of paper on my table
What was the last thing you ate : Nasik , sotong masak merah , ikan bawal goreng ...ayorrrr dap dap nyer
(Near to imsak….5.25 am huhuhu…)
Ever had
Chicken pox : Yes in 1999 , masa umur 19 thn , masa tgh couple ngan Sutan hahahah
Sore throat : Im having it rite now
Stitches : Yes , kat jari hantu tgn kiri . Sangat ngeri ...i felt down n my ring terbelah 2 . Isi kat jari tew terkopek nampak tulang ...ngeri sungguh ..masa tew Moon darjah 3 . Pastuh tak pakai dah cincin jari hantu ...mmg berhantu
Broken nose : Nope alhamdulillah lom agi
Do you
Believe in love at first sight : Yes I do koz Sutan jatuh cinta kat i pandang pertama gitew hahha
Like picnics : Depend , mana tempat nya
Who was were the last person you danced with :Dance with the telletubbies ekekek tentu la ngan Suffiya ...kena dancing2 nak kasik dia tido
Last made you smile :My husband ..baru je tadik dia lalu ..
You last yelled at :Iskandar this morning , sebab nyer org dah nak kuar umah dia sibuk nak air ribena la nak itew la nak ini lah
Today did you
Talk to someone you like : Yeah…my husband.
Kissed anyone : Yes This morning , Iskandar n Suffiya . Sutan ..balik karang la yer Ghazi!
Get sick : Yessssss hidung still selsema still batuk headache semer ada
Talk to an ex : Never.
Miss someone :Yes , i miss my mum ...sob sob
Who do you really hate : Org yg berlagak cam bagus je ..
Shoes size : 8 / 9
Height : 168 cm
Where do you live : Sri Kembangan , Selangor
Have you ever Been on a plane : Yes
Swam in the ocean : Yes ..not ocean tapi pantai adalah ...kira ocean gaks la kan
Fallen asleep at school : At school tak pernah koz i love school ..opis slalu ar hik hik
Broken someone's heart : Once , my reason koz nak SPM hahaha kejam sungguh .
Fell off your chair : Kat sekolah , my friend dia tarik kerusi masa i nak duduk ..
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : lama dulu ...
Saved e-mails : Only work related...ayorkkkk 2005 nyer mail pun ada
What is your room like : Yellow wall ..simple . Ada katil Yaya tew je . Sangat kosong hahah
What's right beside you : my handphone and tones of paper on my table
What was the last thing you ate : Nasik , sotong masak merah , ikan bawal goreng ...ayorrrr dap dap nyer
(Near to imsak….5.25 am huhuhu…)
Ever had
Chicken pox : Yes in 1999 , masa umur 19 thn , masa tgh couple ngan Sutan hahahah
Sore throat : Im having it rite now
Stitches : Yes , kat jari hantu tgn kiri . Sangat ngeri ...i felt down n my ring terbelah 2 . Isi kat jari tew terkopek nampak tulang ...ngeri sungguh ..masa tew Moon darjah 3 . Pastuh tak pakai dah cincin jari hantu ...mmg berhantu
Broken nose : Nope alhamdulillah lom agi
Do you
Believe in love at first sight : Yes I do koz Sutan jatuh cinta kat i pandang pertama gitew hahha
Like picnics : Depend , mana tempat nya
Who was were the last person you danced with :Dance with the telletubbies ekekek tentu la ngan Suffiya ...kena dancing2 nak kasik dia tido
Last made you smile :My husband ..baru je tadik dia lalu ..
You last yelled at :Iskandar this morning , sebab nyer org dah nak kuar umah dia sibuk nak air ribena la nak itew la nak ini lah
Today did you
Talk to someone you like : Yeah…my husband.
Kissed anyone : Yes This morning , Iskandar n Suffiya . Sutan ..balik karang la yer Ghazi!
Get sick : Yessssss hidung still selsema still batuk headache semer ada
Talk to an ex : Never.
Miss someone :Yes , i miss my mum ...sob sob
Who do you really hate : Org yg berlagak cam bagus je ..
Is there a person who is on your mind now : My family!
Do you like your hand-writing :Sometimes
Are your toe nails painted : No
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : Katil Isk la kots
What color shirt are you wearing now :Hijau
Are you a friendly person :Yes if that person friendly ngan I
Do you have any pets :Nope
Do you sleep with the TV on :No , sangat tak ley ...hahah i will go n sleep in my room
What are you doing right now :Jwab ni la
Can you handle the truth :Yes , walaupun kadang kebenaran itew amat menyakitkan
Are you closer to your mother or father :My Mom
Do you eat healthy :Sometimes hahhaha
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex :No nak mampus
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to :My hubby la ..
Are you loud or quiet most of the time :both ..depends
Are you confident :Sometimes
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
Is there a person who is on your mind now : My family!
Do you like your hand-writing :Sometimes
Are your toe nails painted : No
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : Katil Isk la kots
What color shirt are you wearing now :Hijau
Are you a friendly person :Yes if that person friendly ngan I
Do you have any pets :Nope
Do you sleep with the TV on :No , sangat tak ley ...hahah i will go n sleep in my room
What are you doing right now :Jwab ni la
Can you handle the truth :Yes , walaupun kadang kebenaran itew amat menyakitkan
Are you closer to your mother or father :My Mom
Do you eat healthy :Sometimes hahhaha
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex :No nak mampus
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to :My hubby la ..
Are you loud or quiet most of the time :both ..depends
Are you confident :Sometimes
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
Studying in KYPM KL
Still using public transportation
Asyik dating ngan Sutan
Working part time in JW Marriot - housekeeping
Jaga adik adik
Jaga adik adik
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
Bayar umah cash
Settle semer hutang piutang
Saving for my kids
Gie Haji or Umrah or melancong
Invest n shopping tanpa perlu tgk tag harger ooorrr nikmat nyer
5 of my bad habit
eow.Tak punctual
Suka majuk tapi ngan Sutan je la ..majuk majuk manjer gitew auuuw
Tak tahu la ..sutan apa bad habbit mummy ek ...mana tahu
Settle semer hutang piutang
Saving for my kids
Gie Haji or Umrah or melancong
Invest n shopping tanpa perlu tgk tag harger ooorrr nikmat nyer
5 of my bad habit
eow.Tak punctual
Suka majuk tapi ngan Sutan je la ..majuk majuk manjer gitew auuuw
Tak tahu la ..sutan apa bad habbit mummy ek ...mana tahu
5 places I am living in
Kuala Terengganu
Pandan Jaya
Taman Shamelin Cheras
Putra Height Subang
Sri Kembangan Selangor
Hope nanti Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi
5 people I tagged
ila ,Mai , ZZ , Lenny , Azie , Zaimah
Kuala Terengganu
Pandan Jaya
Taman Shamelin Cheras
Putra Height Subang
Sri Kembangan Selangor
Hope nanti Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi
5 people I tagged
ila ,Mai , ZZ , Lenny , Azie , Zaimah
hehehe...segan ngan moon tak pernah tdo kat sekolah...mimie ngan filla mmg selalu buat keje tuh..ngantuk kater kalau kita ngantuk selalu maksudnyer oksigen tak sampai kat otak....heheheheh..kitorang ni kira tak cukup oksigen lah nih..weh weh weh...
uihkz... panjang nyer... miera... sorryler.. kak zura pun dah tag miera.. cuba tengok kat blog kzura okeh.. selamat berpuasa..
pesan kat sutan jangan makan banyak2 nanti lagik mok... :P
hai moon....
he he tekejut tak....konon2 ni nak terjah member2 fp yg ade blog...he he he...lieya baru jek berjinak2 ni....lagi senang plak kalo blog ni...kot2 terkubur yolaa fp den tu....
wah tak penah tdo kat sekolah!!! mmg anak murid yg berdedikasi le ko moon...cayalah!!!!
kurus ke....bolehlaa sebab dah leh pakai jeans 26 (yg dulu pakai mase lum kawin) so kire boleh laaaa....moon tak nak try ke JDM tu...he he he ...tapi tule ntah boleh maintain ke idak raye ni...byk dogaan ooooo...he he he
Hai Leeya ...tak sangka meh masuk blog moon . Moon tgh try JDM5 tapi nih berenti dkt seminggu since duk demam n selsema teroks .
dah turun 4kg stakat ni...nanti nak sambung agi mana tahu ley turun lagi 4 kag hi hi hi tew la wisau tang raya nih
koz im sitting betul2 kat depan ...betul2 depan meja cikgu ...ha cam mano tew den nak terlelap ..
seingat moon , i really enjoy pegi sekolah . Jrg sangat mc atau cuti ..kehadiran penuh hahhahah mmg giler koser .
moon..hapdate ar copek... ko nak aku panggil cleaner kat opis ni gi buang sawang ker??hahaha
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