Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dapat special gift

Smalam ada org dari sky net tepon bagitau suh dtg opis dia org amik brg sebab yg delivery dia tak jumpa my opis kat Cyber ...ok la tak pa sebab dekat area umah moon je .. so pegi la amik ....

many thanks to Fara ...wah dapat tudung yg lawa bangat ...siap ada manik manik . Fara susah2 je kay ...siap sutan sengeh2 sebab dapat kain pelikat . Siap tanya aku asal Fara bagi jugak kat dia ...wah gitew tetiba laki aku tergamam nko Fara...
Thanks alot laling , Surat cinta mu yg kaler biwu tew aku tak amik gambo la kang org tahu plop secret kiter muahahhahahahah

susah susah aje ( padahal mengeletis sukerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr thankssssssssssss) i lap u sampai kering ar pastuh lumor bedak banyak2 akakak

Timer kasihhhh......from sutan

potty traing best between age 2 n 3

Rasanya nak kena ajar Cik Yaya utk start uk uk kat toilet . Masa Isk Moon start masa dia umor 3 thn rasanya utk Cik Yaya nak start awal sket ....memandangkan skrg kalau dia uk uk kemain geli geleman sebab tinja duk penuh kat bum bum .
so nak train dia yak yak kat toilet dulu ....

Tips to Trouble-Free Toilet Training

When you think it's time, Barone and Stavinoha offer these tips for getting kids trained:

  • Look for signs of readiness. These include showing interest in the potty or toilet; staying dry during naps or for several hours during the day; being able to follow simple directions; being able to pull down their own pants; using words, posture or facial expressions that indicate they have to go.
  • Make a small potty available in the bathroom( tak der la nak sediakan potty suh terus duk atas jamban ...kena beli toilet seat hok lawo lawo berenda renda ). Try doing practice runs when you think your toddler might need to go by having him sit or stand in front of the potty for a few minutes several times a day. Most likely, your toddler won't actually go, Stavinoha said. But it can help them recognize the urge to go and associate the potty with it. ( ha nih payah sikit since ai ada time ngan dia malam je ...n weekends . tak pa mummy akan cuba )
  • If your child resists, don't sweat it. Setting up a battle of wills will only make the process unnecessarily difficult on mom and dad. Back off for a few weeks, then try again.( ha tak pa dia kecik agi ...try pelan pelan )
  • While potty training, avoid asking: "Do you have to go to the potty?" "You're almost guaranteed your child will tell you 'no'," Stavinoha said.( Ha ha mmg punnnnnnnnnnn)

If a child is 4 or 5 and still not staying dry during the day, or if you suspect the reason may have a physical cause, discuss it with the pediatrician, Stavinoha said.

Nih kalau time dia bagitau dia kencing...pampers dia basah dia tak suka ...ha cam nih la . Tambah plak dah pandai bukak pampers sendiri lagi la tensen tiap kali wee wee misti nak tuka baru

ha cek list ...ley share ngan kokwang semer

Physical signs

Is coordinated enough to walk, and even run, steadily.

Urinates a fair amount at one time.

Has regular, well-formed bowel movements at relatively predictable times.

Has "dry" periods of at least three or four hours, which shows that his bladder muscles are developed enough to hold urine.

Behavioral signs

Can sit down quietly in one position for two to five minutes.

Can pull his pants up and down.ha nih mmg terrer ..kadang 5 kali tuka suar

Dislikes the feeling of wearing a wet or dirty diaper...ha memamnggggggg

Shows interest in others' bathroom habits (wants to watch you go to the bathroom or wear underwear). yup silap2 kena bagi dia masuk sama

Gives a physical or verbal sign when he's having a bowel movement such as grunting, squatting, or telling you....ha ha cepat2 amik towel

Demonstrates a desire for independence.

Takes pride in his accomplishments.

Isn't resistant to learning to use the toilet.

Is in a generally cooperative stage, not a negative or contrary one.

Cognitive signs

Can follow simple instructions, such as "go get the toy."

Understands the value of putting things where they belong.

Has words for urine and stool.

Understands the physical signals that mean he has to go and can tell you before it happens or even hold it until he has time to get to the potty.

* article di amik dari Baby Center

Tak pa akan ku cuba utk cik yaya .................

tapi kalau Yaya tak berjaya lagi mummy jgn marah tauuuuuuuu mummy kan tahu Yaya takut kalau mummy wat muker bekeng .

Sanggul tinggi tinggi

oooo ada juai benda alah nih rupanya ....hahhahahahhahahh nih la yg kasi tinggi menggununng tew...jakun nye ai ngak tahu sih
Kalau susah sangat beli je getah rambut hok besa besa ...ikat tinggi tinggi hahahha cam dlm pantang ....ntah napa tgk org pakai lawo je kalau moon pakai misti cam alien yg corn tew ...corn head...tgk makwer 2 org nih lawa kan dia org pakai cam tew ....sweet je
hhahahah nih corn head ....sutan bg tau ..mummy yg alien tew bukan cornhead tapi conehead ...ohhhh sudah tuka kaaaaaaaa
ha nih la citer alien tew ...masa kicik kicik glams kay citer nih ..kowang tahu tak pasal citer alien nih
tapi kowang jangan la pakai melampo sampai cam nih ...ahhahahahha nih cam sumbat bantal hahhahaha ....
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