Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Latest from photomama

By Saiful Nang :

Here, I would like to introduce to you all the experts that have been choosen based on their excellent practice in photographing kids portrait. They’ll continuously contribute to the community in term of blog entry, notes, critics and many more. They are among the best kids photographer in Malaysia. Watch their introduction here


Arrow Enroll to the premium members of PhotoMama
Arrow Learn from Demo, Tutorial & Critics by the Professional in video format, notes and online consultation through community forum (special section accessible only by premium members)
Arrow Attend PhotoClinic - This program will be held minimu once in 2 months (if not every month). The concept is “You shoot, I correct it”. Your technique of shooting will be monitored on that day and will be corrected according to what you’ve learn at stage no.2 (above)

Arrow Send your picture according to our theme of exercise in our private room in TPMC community forum and get critics from Professional on how to improve your pictures.

Arrow Continuous learning. The basic photography, arts in photography, ideas and many more will be here exclusively for our Premium Members.


This is what so special about us. This is the first concept in the world where the photography education has been simplified to weekly video program in order to make the understanding about photography much easier. No more headache about the problem to understand so much bombastic jargon and terms.


DSLR is an advantage, but the arts of photography doesn’t so dependant with the gear we have. Check some of our earliest video, there you can see how a cheap camera can do wonder with a right tune in the basic photogrpahy skill as well as the Arts of Seeing. All that and more is in our weekly video.


Click here to listen what mommies are saying about TPMC. Watch and learn numerous benefits of becoming our Premium Member.


Attending a physical workshop is another way to master yourself in photogrpahy. I believe that, a day physical workshop has about 5-10 minutes juice. That’s why exactly we do. Cut-out the coffee break, lunch time, jokes, laugh, sleepy etc. In every human brain, we can only concentrate well for the first 15 minutes. In the 1st 15 minutes, you can listen, understand and remember. For the next 45 minutes you can just listen and understand but without notes, you’ll forget. For a continuous 2 hours slot (by consider the break time every 2 hours), you can actually get less than what you get in thephotomama.com

Imagine, you’re paying nothing less than RM500 just for a basic photography class and you have to go through all the hassles including forcing your husband to babysit your kids. But this time, with RM23 per month you can easily learn it at the comfort of your home and more than that...you get many set of workshops in there.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Gambar budak dalam kotak

Nih gambar last week . Masa kita org duk sebuk2 nak pack barang ...skalik cik Yaya nih tak mo di letak asyik nak suh dukong je ...skalik moon bukak kotak ..letak dia dalam tew ..terus berlari pegi capai kamera ...hahahha
Mummy jangan tutup kotak niAuuum chak ...hih ihihihiDah mula nak kuar dah Bukan boley lama duk dalam nih jap jap nak bangun ...jap jap suh kuar kan dia . Tgk gambo atas ..tew tengah memberontak la tew . ...hahahha . Masa nih Isk tak da . Kalau tak boley sumbat 2 2 dalam kotaks.Gambar Yaya yang penuh keayuan ...auuw sopan je nampak dia masa ni

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Isk n Yaya ke nerseri

Malam tadik

Me : Isk jangan nangis tau besok . Isk kena gie school ngan adik sebab mummy ngan daddy kena gie kije
Isk : Nanti Isk nangeh ...nak mummy nak mummy
Me: Isk kan gud boy ...isk kan bagus . Takkan Isk nak nangis . Sana kan banyak friend ..banyak toys ...anak mummy kan bagussssssssss
Isk : ermmm

lama lepas tew . Isk datang

Isk : Mummy , Isk tak nangis pun ..isk bagus . Isk gie school .
Me : Ok bagus ...cepat tido yer nanti besok nak ke school . Jom naik atas

Ini satu lagi dilema nak suh ajak naik atas . Before this kan duk apt je kan ..so kadang dia tertido sambil layan TV ...so skrg sapa nak teman dia tido kat bwah . So pujuk la dia ajak tido kat atas ...selepas setengah jam pujuk + kena marah ..dia terus tutup TV pegang bantal n ajak naik atas . Since jiran jiran pun lom ramai maka kami anak banak tido 1 bilik ...takut wooo hahahha . Bukan takut hantu tapi takut org .

This morning , bukak bukak mata je nangis ...

Isk : Mummy Isk tak mo gie school . Isk takut . Nanti Isk nangeh
Me : Dah jangan ngada bangun cepat pegi mandi . Kalau tak ISk duk kat umah sorang sorang
Isk : Yaya ?
Me : Yaya bagus ...Yaya bagitau mummy dia nak gie school

Terus bangun n bukak baju ..dah siap mandi , cam teruja plak nak gie school .

Isk : Mummy Isk bagus kan
Me : Yer ISk bagus ( kena la puji kan . Jgn ngada nak spoilkan mood dia kay )
Isk : Isk tak takut pun
Me : Ha bagus kat school banyak kawan ...nanti petang mummy gie amik Isk yer . Promise jgn noti kay .
Isk : Ok nanti mummy beli ice cream yer

yer yer...nak upah jugers tew . Sampai kat sana alhamdulillah dia behave je ...masuk dalam tuh duduk diam ...salam cium tangan ...Moon ngan Sutan pun blah...tgk darik luar je . Nampak dia cam ok . Skrg Isk duduk skalik ngan Yaya . Nerseri dolu ..tadika tew nanti la dolu kerana mummy agaks kerings . Pendaftaran pun nearly 1k ...bapak mahal . Nanti ek Isk ..nanti balik umah mummy ajar Isk dolu kalau malas malas ley mummy pulas tinga Isk . Moon a bit worried ..sian jugers dia takut ketinggalan ke apa sebab ramai dah start blajar . But wisau gaks takut start to early . Kebetulan moon ada baca internet ..for kids let them learn via their enviromen dont force them to learn ..tak pa la dalam 2 3 bln nih Isk duk nerseri dolu la . Lagi pun kat sitew ada 3 org budak 4 thn . So adalah geng . Ley la Isk tgk tgk kan Yaya .

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