Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Main main jugak ...tapi blaja kena juger

I bought him this book ..sangat la bagus buku nih full of colors n mmg sesuai utk budak 3 - 5 .Arahan nyer sangat simple . I always impress bila tgk budak budak yg clever clever ley baca abc n mengenal huruf . But lain budak lain cara nya n lain juga cara nak mengajar nya . For Isk , he only can concentrate for half an hour ...after that he will start to panas bontut ...kejap balam nih angun kejap duduk . But as long as he try n faham arahan tew pun dah cukop . Isk pun suka wat aktiviti aktiviti kat dlm buku nih .
Dah siap 1 muka surat mula la tgk kuku ...tgk pen ...mencari sumber inspirasi ke ?
Ok skrg dia dah bersemangat balik ...tapi dalam mengajar neh kena la ngan pujian ngan dorongan ...kasik up sket baru la hatinya berbunga bunga nak blajar kan ekekekekkeDraw a circle around the words that contain the letter E . Isk pun bulat kan je terus without asking ...bagus Isk ..nanti mummy belikan lagi buku buku cam nih utk Isk kayyyyy

Iskandar n Suffiya bersiaran dari Salak Tinggi

Abg Isk sangat berselera makan skrg nih ...bila snap gambo neh nampak bolat muker dia ekekek. Ke dia nih dah makin membesar .Betul tak ..or ist me je yang nampak dia cam bolat sket ...by the way he lovessss that t shirt sesangat ..tapi duk asik sebut ipin ipin ...apa apa je la isk oooi ...asal nampak anak aku cam soljar je nih...adakah kerana rambut nya yang macam soljar ?Dia skrg dah boley di harap ...kadang suh dia tgk kan Yaya kalau moon nak wat kije . Ok la ...untuk mengalih perhatian cik Yaya tew ...kalau tak asyik nak duk melekat kat Moon je ..Bila bagi phone diam la dia . Tapi kalau bagi phone acah acah di campak kan je ...cam tahu je mana yg betul mana yg palsu ...tapi jangan campak phone mummy tew dah la dik oooi kalau tak jenuh la mummy nak beli yg lainnnnOoooo salah gunakan phone mummy yer ...sapa suh afundi afundi nih ek ..ewahhhhhhhhhh ...tengok je la muker dia yang noti tew ....cam nak penyet penyet je ahhahahah

Ha kaver line la tew ...dik noonnnn oooi phone letak kat telinga bukan letak di dagu....helloooooHa macam tew la baru betul ....hellooooo daddy ...belikan yaya cekelat ...belon ...anak patung ....hiksssss practise dolu hahahhahah
2 badik nih ..kalau main 2 org asyik gelak je apa yg klaka pun tak tahu la . Yang pasti nyer si Isk la yg hoover . Adik plak mengikut je apa yang abang buat
Elehhhh konon handsome la tew ek ...Isk skrg makin banyak cakap ..putar belit pun banyak ..kenakan org balik pun dah pandai

Cerita 1 - Pasal uk uk
Isk : Mummy Isk nak uk uk ...cepat
Me : Jom ke toilet
Isk : Mummy keluar la Isk berak busuk ..
Me : Ha ha la busuk nyeeeeeeeeee
Isk : Mummy berak busuk tak.?
apa la soklan dia nih
Me : Semer orang berak busuk Isk ...mana ada org berak wangi ...
Isk : Kenapa busuk ?
Me: Banyak cakap plak ....dah berak cepat ...sesak napas mummy nneh

Cerita 2 - Tahi
Dolu kat nerseri lama dia slalu je sket sket sebut tahi sket sket tahi ...moon pun marah la dia . Cam tak elok la kan ..

Me : Isk Yaya uk uk la plak ...
Isk : Napa mummy
Me : Yaya berak ..ada tahi dah nih
Isk : Ayooo mummy sebut tahi ...tak baik sebut tahiiiiiiii...ayoooo ( siap ngan jari hokey )
Ayo terkena den

Cerita 3 - K*nek
( dalam kereta )
Isk : Daddy toys Isk mana
Daddy : ntah la rasanya ada kat bonet
Isk : Ayoooooo mummy daddy sebut konek ..tak baik
Me : Isk ooi dady sebut BONET bukan K*nek .
Isk ...tersipu malu then gelak gelak ...apa lah yg klaka tew ...hishhhhh

Happy 5th birthday Ain

Sabtu lepas kita org ke umah Yana n Azmi sempena besday kak Ain yg ke 5 tahun . Dah lama nor la rasanya tak ke birthday party ...kalau tak asyik every weekend ada je bday party yang nak kena attend ...best bangat . Anak anak pun pasti sonok . Bila Yana jemput harus la aiii heppi lagi pun dekat je ngan umah hiks

Happy la ley jumpa ila n mai n yana n wati n lieya ramai lagi ..See Ila nampak so kuwus ...tapi Mai lagi la teramats kuwus. Alamaks mana gambar mai ne

Best la tgk Hafiz ....ari tew Suffiya kecik cam tew la ...skrg dah besar wooo ....cepat nya masa berjalan ....sighhhhhh . Ila tenkiu sebab singgah umah kiter ....nanti kiter upload gambo Hafiz plak kay .
Asal auntie neh sebuk2 nak amik gamba kiter nehhhSee , besday girl amats la heppi . Manis je berbaju kuwung kaler perpel ...sweet bangat . Sowi la sayang , auntie tarak baju kaler perpel ...a very gud excuse to buy one nanti ...ekekkeke
Masa pasang lilin nih la angin nak tiup ngan kuats kan ...hiks .
cuba tgk sapa kat tepi tew yg semangat duk tiup lilin ....sapa lagi kalau bukan cik Syasya kiter
Yey akhirnya berjaya juga cik syasya kiter meniup lilin . Budak budak mmg suka nyanyi lagu happy birthday n tiup tiup lilin nih kan
Bapa pengantin pun potong keksBila suruh Isk tiup ha cam nih la gaya nya ...cam ley ikat ngan getah muncong dia tew ekekke
Seeeeee....Mai sangat halus auuuuw .

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Suffiya sudah nak 1thn

Tetiba ada card ...bukak bukak rupanya utk Yaya ..ingat adalah org send card pada aiiii hiks...kad nih darik dutch lady since moon ada masuk ahli Baiboo so dia org send dolu besday card . Yaya dah nak setahun ke ....ya alllah mmg betul ...30 mac is her birthday .
Mummy Yaya dah nak setahun la ...tew la mummy b z sangat sampai lupa ek ...siap mummy nanti Yaya babab karang ..hiks .. mummy nak bagi yaya adiah apa ek ?Apa nih mummy kasik Yaya kotak kosong neh ? Kalau ada isi kang bagus...agaknya Yaya ley demand toys yg mahal tak ...

Boley kalau nak toys tapi adik kena pandai jalan dolu . This gal lom ley jalan cuma slalu berdiri ja ..then lama berdiri dia terus duduk ...lebih berhati hati la yaya nih . Abg Isk 10 bln ++ dah jalan tau . Nanti suh abg Isk ajar kay .

babai pangsapuri putra indah

i love this house . Setahun 2 bln je kita org duk sini ..tapi moon suka bangat sebab dengan RM 400 umah ada 4 bilik , 2 bilik air , ada balkoni , ada dry n wet kitchen n tingkat 1 . Asal masa nak masuk umah nih kaler dia hijo ...dah la tew banyak kesan tebuk . Dengan paku dengan salotape ngan poster n macam macam la ...sangat comots ...tapi kita org tak cerewet pun terus nak sewa umah tew . Tapi dah bagitau awal awal nak cat umah nih sebab tak soka kaler hijo pucuk pisang tew ...sebab dah comots kan . Kami cat jugaks sebab kalau boleh balik umah misti la nak tenang kan ....selik mata sejuk mata mandang kan ...so berjaya convince kan tuan umah kami nak cat so dia bagi kami masuk setengah bulan awal
Umah nyer simple ajo ..lurus saja ...dari arah sliding door .ni dry kitchen ...wet kichen belah kiri . lupa plak snap gambo .
Isk tunjuk muker hantu hahahha..masa nih kami ke umah nih untuk serah kunci ke tuan umah . Masa nih sapu sapu la sket umah kan. Takkan kiter dapat tak elok kiter nak serah tak elok kan ...apa la salah nya kasik cuci n mop sket . Tuan umah dia nih baik ..tak pernah call pun hahahah janji bayar sewa tiap bulan mmg dia tak kaco hahahh senang gitew kan . aman hidop .
Ok babai umahs ....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Just for Aish

Lenny hope u like this pic

Got this award from Lenny . Thanks Len

The rules:
*Place the award logo on your blog.
*Nominate 10 other blogs which show "Attitude and/or Gratitude"
*Link to the nominees on your blog post.
*Comment on their blog that you have nominated them.
*Share the love and link to the person who nominated you

So, I would like to nominate:

1- Mai
2- Ila
3 - Filla
4 - Azie
5 -ZZ
6 - Fara
7- Yana
8 - Gee Jai
9 - Yantz
10 - Siti

Latest from photomama

By Saiful Nang :

Here, I would like to introduce to you all the experts that have been choosen based on their excellent practice in photographing kids portrait. They’ll continuously contribute to the community in term of blog entry, notes, critics and many more. They are among the best kids photographer in Malaysia. Watch their introduction here


Arrow Enroll to the premium members of PhotoMama
Arrow Learn from Demo, Tutorial & Critics by the Professional in video format, notes and online consultation through community forum (special section accessible only by premium members)
Arrow Attend PhotoClinic - This program will be held minimu once in 2 months (if not every month). The concept is “You shoot, I correct it”. Your technique of shooting will be monitored on that day and will be corrected according to what you’ve learn at stage no.2 (above)

Arrow Send your picture according to our theme of exercise in our private room in TPMC community forum and get critics from Professional on how to improve your pictures.

Arrow Continuous learning. The basic photography, arts in photography, ideas and many more will be here exclusively for our Premium Members.


This is what so special about us. This is the first concept in the world where the photography education has been simplified to weekly video program in order to make the understanding about photography much easier. No more headache about the problem to understand so much bombastic jargon and terms.


DSLR is an advantage, but the arts of photography doesn’t so dependant with the gear we have. Check some of our earliest video, there you can see how a cheap camera can do wonder with a right tune in the basic photogrpahy skill as well as the Arts of Seeing. All that and more is in our weekly video.


Click here to listen what mommies are saying about TPMC. Watch and learn numerous benefits of becoming our Premium Member.


Attending a physical workshop is another way to master yourself in photogrpahy. I believe that, a day physical workshop has about 5-10 minutes juice. That’s why exactly we do. Cut-out the coffee break, lunch time, jokes, laugh, sleepy etc. In every human brain, we can only concentrate well for the first 15 minutes. In the 1st 15 minutes, you can listen, understand and remember. For the next 45 minutes you can just listen and understand but without notes, you’ll forget. For a continuous 2 hours slot (by consider the break time every 2 hours), you can actually get less than what you get in thephotomama.com

Imagine, you’re paying nothing less than RM500 just for a basic photography class and you have to go through all the hassles including forcing your husband to babysit your kids. But this time, with RM23 per month you can easily learn it at the comfort of your home and more than that...you get many set of workshops in there.

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