Thursday, February 23, 2017

Ephyra sudah 5 tahun

Tahniah Ephyra sebab sudah 5 tahun. Sekarang semua org kenal Ephyra n ramai yg nikmati khasiat Ephyra termasuk la Moon sendiri

Sempena 5 tahun , Ephyra bagi harga special u ols

Ni adalah yg harga telah di slash kan utk u ols . 

Semalam akak ada share status kat FB n ramai org whats app n nak cuba juga. So Kak Moon nak share juga kat blog. 


ada yg kata...ala Kak Moon muka takder masalah....

ada dik non oiiii

akak kalau sekalik naik jerawat yg jenis no mercy hokey. Yang besar besar sampai diri sendiri pun konpius ni jerawat ke bisul ni. Nak pegang pun sakit. Ni masalah dr zaman remaja lagi..
auw sekarang remaja jugers keeee

Lagi frust kalau kuar jalan jalan. Time muka cam ni la buat terserempak ngan ramai org. Hilang keyakinan diri sangat.

one time jerawat naik berjemaah gitu. Masa ni tak consume apa apa. Sakit hati tgk muka dlm cermin. Pak Sutan ajak kuar pun tak mo. Bagi mcm mcm alasan. Padahal bukan org amik kisah pun kan....tapi kita amik kisahhhhhh.

Masa tu plak Ephyra baru kuarkan skin series. Apa lagi terus je beli one set. Tekad terus.

Cuci muka ngan Skin Bar ( RM39 ) .

Lepas tu mlm mlm sapu serum ( RM68 )

Pakai skin Snow ( RM48 ). Pakai pun jimat jimat sebab bekas dia kecik aje jujur akak bgtau comel je bekas. Tapi berbaloi baloi.

Dlm few days , yg merah merah tu hilang. Akak tamak sket sbb minum skali ngan Ephyra. Baru la cepat hilang semer....mana dia pergi pun akak tak tahu la. Slowly muka start to clear blk.
Masa pakai ephyra skin series ni takder la letak harapan tinggi sgt....siap dah pasang niat kalau tak jadi jugak aku g beli set lain yg lg mahal. Nampak tak keglojohan di situ.

Alhamdulillah serasi org kata. Mmg sangat hokey. Jatuh cinta sangat
If this can help me with my problem...i hope ianya pun dpt bantu anda. Mana tau serasi juga.

Whats app kak Moon kalau u ols nak cuba juga
akak harap ia dpt bantu menyelesaikan masaalah jerawat korang

MOON 011-39990764

skrg akak setia ngan Ephyra dan Inteemor
Skin Bar ngan skin Nano mmg takley tinggal

Baca info mengenai Ephyra Skin Series di SINI




Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Goblin n Hawarang OST


Takley move on ngan demam Goblin ni. So far the best drama la utk tahun ni. Nanti kalau ada lagi drama best tak tau la kan  . Tapi kalau ni duk asyik dengar OST ni mmg sesuatu sangat hahaha

So u ols suka juga kan. Ni akak share ngan u ols. Nanti sambil buat kije boleh dengar. Pasang earphone n buat kije auwwwwww

Lagu pertama , lagu trademark Goblin. Tune pertama tu best. Korang suka kan ....sebab akak kumpul semua utk u ols kan kan kan .

KLIK SINI untuk tgk drama Goblin

Goblin, Stay With Me

Goblin, Beautiful  Life
Shila Hamzah pun ada cover lagu ni SINI

Goblin, I Miss You

Goblin, Round and Round


Hwarang ni pun best. Tgk episod 1 and 2 pun dah tersangkut. Time Kwang Soo mati akak nangis u ols. Kwang Soo berlakon ngan bagus sekali. Ingatkan Kak Moon je nangis. Bagi adik ipar tgk dia pun nangis. Siap msg....akak jahat bg Umi tgk citer ni ...Umi nangis banjir dah tgk Kwang Soo hahahah

Terus dia pun sangkut tgk. Siap balik cuti sem dia bagi Mama jangkit sekali. Ni mama pun duk tgu episod hahhahaha

selain jalan citer best, hero handsome handsome .

KLIK SINI untuk tengok drama Hwarang

Hwarang, Its Definitely You

Hwarang, The Divine Move


Legend of The Blue Sea

Ni pun best. Sebab suka Hero n Heroin dia

KLIK SINI untuk tgk Legend of The Blue Sea

LOTBS , Love Story 

Bonus Track, sebab ada jumpa 1 album terus. So akak simpan utk sendiri dengar bila nak feeling2 muahahhahahah

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart 

Scarlet Heart, Forgetting You

oooopsss list dah jadi panjang. I better stop now hahahhahahahha

Oh ya siapa anak anak ada Ekzema boleh baca kat sini. Tadi  ada baca Ekzema pada bayi kat blog mama kembar 3. Hari tu ada member tanya nak share ngan u ols

Friday, February 17, 2017

Jom bantu baby Muhammad Adib

Moon mmg sentiasa tgk youtube Daphne Iking. For me apa yg dia org share sangat bagus n tak pura pura gitew. Husband dia mmg akan cakap je apa dia nak cakap. Kadang apa yg dia cakap tu so true ..n buat u macam terpikir kejap.

But for the first time, Moon nak share video ni sebab it really touched my heart. Panas je mata ni bila tgk baby tu. Berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikul kan. So Malaysian, jom sama sama kita bantu sikit sikit pun tak apa . Moga sumbangan kecik kita ni dapat membantu family mereka yg dlm kesusahan. Sebab I do belived that kalau kita bantu org Insyaallah pasti kita akan dipermudahkan dalam apa jua. Mungkin bukan sekarang but in future kita tak tahu kan.

So friends jom bantu n share this. Sebab bantuan boleh dlm pelbagai bentuk. Kalau kita mampu bantu dr segi kewangan kita bantu. Tapi kalau kita boleh bantu dr segi barangan n even spread the news pun sangat bagus. Kita sama sama doakan agar adik Adib cepat sembuh ya. Insyaallah

 Boleh baca mengenai di hirschprung disease SINI

Maybank Noor Shafiqa Suhada: 154044930753

Copy n Paste from Daphne Iking
Published on Feb 15, 2017
14th Feb 2017

After my photo shoot with Mariel, I dragged Azmi and kids to visit 7 month old Muhammad Adib who is suffering from hirschprung disease.

Hirschsprung's (HIRSH-sproongz) disease is a condition that affects the large intestine (colon) and causes problems with passing stool. The condition is present at birth (congenital) as a result of missing nerve cells in the muscles of the baby's colon.

A newborn who has Hirschsprung's disease usually can't have a bowel movement in the days after birth. In mild cases, the condition might not be detected until later in childhood.

Surgery to bypass the part of the colon that has no nerve cells treats Hirschsprung's disease. The lining of the diseased part of the colon is stripped away, and normal colon is pulled through the colon from the inside and attached to the anus. This is usually done using minimally invasive (laparoscopic) methods, operating through the anus.

We wanted to help this family because they didn't have enough money to pay the hospital at Temerloh for the surgery done on baby Adib. Puan Shafiqa had to quit her job to look after baby Adib full time at the hospital (he has not left the hospital since birth) and her husband took a job at the Pasar Borong so he can get daily wages (instead of monthly) to constantly buy baby diapers and his special formula milk. I wanted to be sure this was an authentic case before viralising this story to reach out to the public for donations. Adib was asleep when we came over and he's such a strong strong lad.

If you have change to spare, here's Puan Shafiqa's maybank account number to help her family out for the meantime. (They weren't eligible for bantuan even though her husband earns less than RM1500 a month).

Maybank Noor Shafiqa Suhada: 154044930753

Thank you for sparing time to read and watching this. ❤

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