Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Real Madrid's cake for Sutan

Sutan with his Real Madrid cake ...Ila thanks , dia suka bangat sih
Isk yg a bit emo sebab kata nih kek daddy ...punya la dia sedey sebab dia kata nih kek dia
Mau nya dia nak sangat kek nih ...tgk la hasil kije ila nice kay . Terus Isk prasan tew kek dia ...ok la kiter nyanyi ....happy birthday to sutan . Ha ok la tew 2 2 sutan kan ekekkekeke .
Setelah di pujuk ok la dia ..haiyooors Isk . Nanti birthday Isk mummy suh auntie Ila wat kan kek utk Isk kay . Bagitau je kartun apa semer auntie n uncle poek ley wat kan .
Sayang daddy ..........mummy pun sayang daddy jugers .
Ha sutan kecik yg menyibuk hokey... be continue....

26hb , 8 am
yaya sangat meragam ...menangeh je . Rupa nya dalam mulut dia dah penuh ngan ulser ...sian dia bengkak mulut . Malam tadik duk merengek je nangeh kuat kuat langsung tak mo tido ....tido setengah jam bangun sambung nanges sambil tunjuk mulut dia . kol 4 am kejut kan sutan suh tgk mulut yaya. terus cek tangan n kaki dia ...ada bintik merah ...ya allah i hope its not sakit tangan kaki n mulut . Badan dia panas semalam ...nasib la pagi nih nak gaks dia minum milo walaupun sedikits . Nih nak bawak dia gie kinik ...hope tak der apa apa ...nih dia duk tido lagi ...adeh kol 6 baru tido ..

Hari nih Birthday Sutan

Happy Birthday to u
Happy birthday to u
Happy Birthday to Sutan Mahmood
Happy Birthday to u

Happy 29 birthday lalink...muahssssssss
sian daddy tv rosak plak ari nih akakkakakakakakk ades nak suh mummy belikan LCD TV ka ....ayorsssssssss

sori lambat apdet blog since pagi tadik ada emergency sket . Then petang ada appointment kat kinik plak follow up kes menstural ari tew..moon dah tak makan provera since tak berkesan pun . 3 bulan makan buat ai bagai di pam pam selera masyaallah nak makan je ...hahahha . Then last time dia bagi ai suh test pill perancang and u know berkesan ...biasa ai red flag sebulan 3 kali nih terus ikut cycle ...21 hari tak der blood cuma ada sket sometimes but tak la cam before ok la pil perancang tew ...janji dapat tune kan balik my peyed ... a bit lawak today ...

nurse : Awak nih duk berdebar ke ...
Me : Napa ..
nurse : lain macam je nadi awak nih ( 3 kali ok amik tekanan )
Me : Kenapa tekanan darah saya tinggi ke ( walhal dah agak kan...biasa kalau 2 kalik dengar pulse tew mmg time tew my heart tengah ting tong )
nurse : tak , pulse awak nih lain macam je
Me : Oh ...saya mmg ada masalah irregular heartbeat kadang dia ter extra ...saya dah gie jumpa pakar jantung bla bla bla bla n semer ok dah wat halter test , echo test n stress test ....bla bla bla ....mmg ada org cam nih but very rare ( auw terus terasa special pelik? )
nurse : Ohhh cam tew

And ingat tak ai kata kena wat pap smear tew ...ha hari nih tak ley wat atas sebab yg tak dpt di elakkan ...maaf yer trafic light merah kena wat next time ....nasibbbbbbbbbbbbb ....takuts neh . Sampai termimpi mimpi ...last week duk risau ...25hb pap smear ....then 25hb birthday sutan ....ha nerves kay .

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One drop perfume mini pack

The price is Rm 25 . Kalau berminat just leave a comment or email me at ....Free delivery

SET HIJAU for women
  1. Inspired by Escape, Calvin Klein
  2. Inspired by Pleasure, Estee Lauder
  3. Inspired by Apple Blossom, Body Shop
  4. Inspired by Cool Water for Women, Davidoff
Set Purple for women
  1. Inspired by Eternity for Women, Calvin Klein
  2. Inspired by Envy, Gucci
  3. Inspired by Intense, Hugo Boss
  4. Inspired by Heaven, One Drop Perfumes
Set Maroon for women
  1. Inspired by Sunflower, Elizabeth Arden
  2. Inspired by Women Boss, Hugo Boss
  3. Inspired by CK Be, Calvin Klein
  4. Inspired by Palace, Paris Hilton
Set Merah for women
  1. Inspired by Amarige, Givenchy
  2. Inspired by Montana, " Parfum de Peau", Montana
  3. Inspired by Baby Jasz, One Drop Perfumes
  4. Inspired by Yohji, Yohji Yamamoto
Set Putih for women
  1. Inspired by Midnight Fantasy, Britney Spears
  2. Inspired by Madame, Jean Paul Gaultier
  3. Inspired by Flower, Kenzo
  4. Inspired by Pure Poison, Christian Dior
Set Biru for men
  1. Inspired by Acqua di Gio, Giorgio Armani
  2. Inspired by Eternity, Calvin Klein
  3. Inspired by Polo Sport, Ralph Lauren
  4. Inspired by Hugo Men, Hugo Boss
Set Oren for Men
  1. Inspired by Pleasure for Men, Estee Lauder
  2. Inspired by Boss Signature, Hugo Boss
  3. Inspired by Cool Water, Davidoff
  4. Inspired by Echo, Davidoff

Dude Set ( New )
  1. Perfume 1 : X
  2. Perfume 2: Viva La Vida
  3. Perfume 3: Ohh La La
  4. Perfume 4: Hey Sexy
Chic Set ( New )
  1. Perfume 1 : Pop My Berry
  2. Perfume 2: Look At Me Blossom
  3. Perfume 3: Fall In Love With Me
  4. Perfume 4: You'll Remember Me
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