* sepatut kuar 8 am tp owner dia silap auto publish date ...so vengong .
Warning , entry nih panjang ....para ibu misti sonok baca tp kalau bujang2 tew maaf ek ....tp ley tambah knowledge per ...ai nih kan mak budak harus la share info cenggini ekekekk takkan la nak citer pasal mak lepak kat kedai mamak kat bukit bintang citer mak shoping sakan ibarat gaji sebulan 10k ...idak leeeer ai nih kan kelas makcik2 je muahahhaha tetibaaaaPs : Saya mengamal kan perancangan semula jadi tanpa IUD tanpa Implan n tanpa ubat ubatan . dan tahu kah anda kesuburan wanita akan menurun setelah berusia 35 thn ?
So agak agak dah ready kan ...sila la abai kan langkah2 pencegahan sebelum ini muahahha :) ( kiter hanya mampu merancang , Tuhan yg menentukan bukan )
Kenali Woman's Reproductive System
Semua pompuan kena tahu cam na kiter nya sistem ...general knowledge ok . ...sangat penting bagi kiter mengenali badan kiter and cam na ia berfungsi ( tetiba cam doc pakar sakit puan laks )
Vagina: This tube like structure connects your internal reproductive organs with your external genitalia. It ends at the cervix and is the point of entry for the penis during sex as well as the final passageway through which a baby exits when it is born.
Cervix: This part of your reproductive organs is situated between the vagina and uterus. It secretes mucus that can help or obstruct sperm from fertilizing an egg. The cervix is the opening that sperm must pass through in order to get to an egg. A baby must also go through the cervix as it exits the uterus and enters the vagina.
Uterus: Also known as the womb, the uterus is a muscular organ made up of three layers: the peritoneum (outer layer), myometrium (middle layer)and endometrium (inner lining). An egg that has been fertilized will implant itself into the endometrium lining and will continue to develop in the uterus throughout the pregnancy. - Baby duk kat dalam ni kay
Fallopian Tubes: The fallopian tubes extend off the upper sides of the uterus and lead up to the ovaries. They have 20 to 25 finger-like structures on their ends that hover just above the ovaries and work to collect the mature egg when it is released. It is in the fallopian tubes that fertilization of the egg will take place.- Laluan telo
Ovaries: Women usually have two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus. Ovaries are the storing house for your egg follicles; every month, one of these egg follicles will mature and release an egg into the fallopian tubes. The ovaries are also responsible for producing estrogen and progesterone, which are vital for proper reproductive function.- Kilang telo
- Taken from here
Waktu subur adalah hr ke 14 ...kira dari 1st day peyed kay
Ha pada member2 yg baru kawen ...John n Ieda , Ami n Lieza ...sila download ek ....akakkakakakka
First Steps to Fertility
Jika kowang nak meningkat kan kadar kesuburan ( dah bunyi cam nak berkebun laks ) ...langkah pertama adalah utk monitor n tahu bila kah time anda paling subur ...kadang ada org nak anak tapi acara menabur benih di laku kan pada waktu telor tak kuar so jadi susah nak conceive.
Tapi cam mak yg peyed lintang pukang ke laut ...susah nak monitor plus ari tew doc kasik Mercilon utk regulate kan peyed ...mak dah stop kay sebab tak biasa makan ubat tew .
So track bila waktu anda subur . Moon nak share 1 software nih ...dulu moon ada download 1 software tp pas format lappy terus ilang ....the ai carik2 terjumpa hok nih
Download MommyMaker
HERE . Extract kan .exe tew ya ...id n password ada di sediakan ...mana nampak tang Love besar2 tew sila la suh anak anak tido awal kay .
Ada banyak lagi Menstural n Ovulation Calendar
HERE Sexual Positions
( Mak ngak translate nih kang bebudah bawah umor baca ....hahahha mak segan )
If you are having difficulty becoming pregnant, you and your partner may want to experiment with different conception positions during intercourse. In order to become pregnant, your partner must deposit his sperm as close as possible to your cervix. Certain positions will allow this to happen more easily. Avoid having sex while standing, sitting, or with you on top, as this can cause semen to leak out of your body. Instead, try the missionary position, which allows for deeper penetration. Rear entry intercourse is also effective, as it allows your partner to deposit semen closer to your cervix. To keep any extra semen from leaking out of you, try elevating your hips for fifteen minutes or so after your have sex.
Ai pernah baca ...sperm yg XY ( boy ) adalah lebih lemah so kalau nak bb boy sila "deposit" kan sperm tew dalam dalam ....so dia berenang2 sket je terus ley cantom ngan telo ...tapi sapa nak anak pompuan tak yah la " deposit " sedalam dalam nya ...tak tahu la betol ke idak kan
Eating Right
Pemakan pun memainkan peranan yg besar . Pemakanan yg seimbang dapat menormal kan hormon hormon dalam badan dan dpt membantu menyubur kan apa yg patut di suburkan ekekke .
Tambah kan vitamin2 nih . Try to include:
- Vitamin C and Antioxidants: these vitamins prevent sperm defects and boost sperm motility. They also reduce stress on your eggs and reproductive organs. - kena beli vitamin C pastuh kena makan la pati beri ke apa yg kaya antioksida
- Zinc: zinc deficiencies have been linked with reduced testosterone and semen levels.
- Calcium and Vitamin D: A daily, therapeutic dose of these nutrients have been shown to help increase male fertility.
10 Jenis Bahan Makanan Penting:
• Alpukat, mengandung vitamin C dan asam folat.
• Daging sapi dan daging kambing, mengandung zat besi dan vitamin B12.
• Buckwheat.
• Kol dan keluarga kol, sumber asam folat.
• Wortel, sumber vitamin A.
• Kiwi, sumber vitamin C dan vitamin E.
• Ikan , sarden, makarel, salmon- sumber omega-3.
• Telur dan unggas, sumber protein. - ungas tew serangga ke burung?
• Biji labu kuning, sumber vitamin E dan seng.
• Kedelai dan hasilnya, sumber fitoestrogen. - Kena tanya bibik nih kedelai tew apa
- Tetiba kan ...amik dr blog Indonesia terus bahasa Indon gitew
Lebih kan makan BAYAM dan Tauge ( Tauge adalah sumber vitamin E yang merupakan antioksidan)
Kurang kan pengambilan
- Alcohol- hish nih haram nih
- Caffeine: caffeine, found in coffee, teas, cola, and chocolate - no more coffee ...sila minum susu je pas nih ..
Lemak dalam badan yg berlebihan akan menaikkan kadar hormomn estrogen dalam badan and akan throwing the female fertility cycle out of balance . Senaman dapat membakar lemak lemak yg berlebihan akan dapat membantu agar kadar hormon tew berada pada paras yg normal - Thanks ya pak sutan sebab belikan ai kasut sukan baru ...ada makna tewwwww
Memilih Jantina Baby
A little point to make...
Spermatozoa that carry the Y chromosome (required for a boy) get to the target very quickly, but they are less resistant.
Spermatozoa that carry the X chromosome (required for a girl) are slower, but are much more resistant.
(Question: does this reflect in men & women in general?)
If you have sexual intercourse a little before ovulation, you have higher chances of having a girl XX.
If you have sexual intercourse at the same time as ovulation then you have higher chances of having a boy XY.
Sperm utk bb
girl - Sperm ni bergerak perlahan ...pompuan la kata kan ....tapi walau pun dia slow tp dia lagi tahan lama ..
And to get a girl, according to Dr Shettles, you should:
- Sila toin toin 2 atau 3 hari sebelum hr subur so XY akan mati dulu and XX je tinggal . So kebarangkalian utk dpt anak pompuan tinggi ....and memandang kan XX nih lagi tahan lasak maka dia org ley la sampai ke telo kan
- Have intercourse with shallow penetration, which gives the slower but longer-living XX sperm the advantage. Jgn deposit dalam dalam kay .............so yg sperm XY nih mana larat kan so dia akan terkorban dulu meninggal kan para sper XX utk terus kan perjalanan
- Avoid orgasm, if you’re the female partner, to keep the vaginal environment slightly acidic and friendlier to the XX sperm....sila toin toin utk penaburan benih sahaja but kalau dapat is additional bonus la kan
If you desire a boy, according to Dr. Shettles, you should:- Toin toin time dkt ngan ovulation . The idea behind this is that since the XY sperm are faster, they’re more likely to reach and fertilize the egg first.
- Have intercourse in a position that allows the deepest penetration possible, such as rear entry or “doggy-style.” This is because with deep penetration, the sperm will be deposited closest to the cervix where the environment is more “XY-friendly” and the XY sperm will have less distance to travel.
- Abstain from intercourse for four to five days before ovulation, and then only do it on the day of ovulation.
- Make sure the female partner has an orgasm to increase the XY-favorable alkaline secretions in the vagina.
- Avoid heat and tight clothing in the testicular area; these things will kill off the less hardy XY sperm faster.
Jangka Hayat Sperm
Bila dah masuk dalam tiub falopio 5 hari
Makna nya dia ley stay dalam pompuan in advance 5 hr and still ley idop sehingga la telor kuar ..tp kalau lama mana yg lagi tahan ? Yerrrrr sperm utk anak pompuan . Si XX
Telor yg tak di senyawakan hanya ley idop 24 jam sahaja
In the vagina, they die in only a few hours.
In the open air, they die rapidly.
Doc Kimm ....tlg tambah kan lagi ya apa yg patut ya ...biar Dokter yg bertauliah bg nasihat akakkakakakak
Tetiba YM mak ter pop up ..." moon nko nak ngandung ke " wah so pantas kilattttttttttt ....insyaallah jikalau tiada aral melintang n menegak ley terai utk sorang lagi ...kasik Isk ngan Yaya adik sowang ..jikalau ada rezeki n di izinkan oleh NYA
So akak akak sekaliannnnnnnnnnnn ...ini usaha tak boley bertepuk sebelah tangan . Talk to your partner about this ....best of luck wink wink
dah gaya cam org buat assignment science dah nihhhhh
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