Friday, August 04, 2006

Matahari masih di balik awan

Ermmm nh akan jadik slow sket ..sebab nya sekarang Moon tgh tak best sgt nak memblog kan diri . Kepala otak pun duk beku + tepu lagi . Kang nanti org tuduh tak wat kijer , Kang jadi bahan bukti plak ..kang susah . Skrg keadaan tak seperti dulu . Skrg dah tak beberapa sonok nak kijer . Sblom nih buleh gelak2...lepas settle kijer bleh amik masa buat kijer sendiri ...skrg dah tak buleh . Banyak pengawas skrg ...tunggu biar semer reda baru bleh aktif balik . Dlm kerja nih ada masa kiter serius ..concentrate pada kijer . Kalau dah siap takkan nak meriba tangan la plak kan ...have time for ur self . But most people dun think so ....i also dun know what to say .

Im so frustrated ...kecewa betul la ngan sikap sesetengah pihak . Hope it will end soon and thisgs will go back like normal. Tuhan tuh maha kaya ...DIA akan melindungi mereka mereka yg teraniaya ..insyaallah .

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Ada gak org cenggini

Bila kiter tak kacau org kacau kiter . (Tajuk Pilem )

Scenario 1

U r workin in a company , which require u to monitor somethin . U work hard , u try ur best to satisfied everyone..but the main point is that u want a sactisfaction in ur work ....which make happy when u go home ...but what happen is that ur bos ...a very putar belit alam kind of to find people's mistake ..u dont expect that he will stab u from back...then ...jeng jeng jeng . Despite of people keep telling ya that he is very teruk one..u still can buat donno jer..untill u found out that he is telling lies , telling shit about u . So do u feel sad? angry? happy?

Scenario 2
U know someone..that is very hampeh one ..he doesn know anything but react as if he knows everything hahhaha biasala nih kan jenis perasan bagus . But this "A" is very ego type of person . dont wanna ask if he dont know. Koz Im a bos maaaa....i have people to do all the work for me ....and at the end i will get all the creadit . I dunt care how other people manage to finish the work ...all I want is the end result ...if u cant do it u r such a lousy worker ...WHO AM I?

Scenario 3
This guy know that people dunt like him ...people talk behinds his back ....and he knows that he is not that gud . At the same time he knew he is very gud in politic at work .... so he play his part . Plays different character ( which he is very gud at it ) and some people believe it . I will do everything that I can to make all the 'big people' to think that im gud..i will tahi kan all my staff koz i dun care . I still get all the creadit I a gila kuasa type?

Everywhere u work ...there will be this 'someone ' that will make ur day turns bad...will make u loose ur appetite and make u feel like u wanna kill him , stab him ...choke him to death ...but we cant do that kan . ...but what can we do about this . We still gonna look at his face everyday ....arrgggg nyampah memang ...geram ? mamang la . But life must go on ....kijer kiter , kiter siapkan . Try to pekak kan telinga , satu niat di hati i work for my self ...i know that by the end of the month there will be money in my maybank ...and i know that the money come from my hard work ..that lalat langau ...we cant stop them from flying but we can use ridsectttttttttttttttttttt bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mampuih nko

p/s : he is not my bos, my bos is great ..this is just a true story ...havent been film yet .

Friday, July 21, 2006

Sutan Iskandar 11 Months

Sutan Iskandar dah buleh tah teh ..dalam 10 to 15 langkah tuh pun struggle nak balance kan diri ..pastuh jalan terkedek kedek ...giginyer pun dah masuk 6 . Cam kejap jer tumbuh ..mummy pun tak perasan tetiba jer kuar lagi 2 ....

Skrg kadang tengah malam dia akan terjaga pastuh akan main sorang2 Kadang kalau mummy larat ..layan la jugak dia main , kul 3 pagi pun layan jer tapi kadang mummy layan tido muahhahah Isk main sorang2 dlm playpen dia , lepas bagi susu ...dia pun main main main sampai penat tiba tgk dah tido . Masa bila tido pun tak tahu . Thanks yer Isk ....agak nyer he knows that mummy is so tired ..thats y he let me sleep krokh krokhhhh.

Dah 3 4 hari dia sampai umah terus tido sampai ke pagi . Seyyy lama tuh from 7 until morning . Mungkin sebab tu la kot kul 3 4 pagi dia terjaga . Nasib baik nak sambung tido balik ..maybe sebab kat nursery dia tak puas tido kots . Akak nursery tuh kata kat sana dia titun kejap2 jer ...pastuh bangun main ...tak per la janji anak mummy leh titun ..lena kat umah ...atleast mummy nampak ..

What’s It Like To Be 11 Months Old?

~The soft spot on the top of my head is almost closed.
~My legs look bowed when I stand up; my feet look flat.
~My sitting balance is good.
~I like to use my fingers to pick up small things like toys and food.
~I can stack two or three small boxes, and I like to knock them down.
~If you hold my hands, I can walk. I’m almost ready to take my first steps by myself.
~I point to things I want, even if they are far away.
~Tasting and touching are my favorite ways to explore new things.
~I love being the center of attention—and making you smile.
~When you call my name, I look for you.
~I like to imitate sounds like coughing, laughing, lip smacking and tongue clicking.
~I can pull off hats, shoes and socks but need your help getting them back on again.I know about getting dressed and usually cooperate when you put on my clothes

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