Thursday, October 08, 2009

need to control my temper

rasa cam nak jerit je ...skrg cepat sangat i loose control ...sket sket nak meletop sket sket nak marah ....eiiii i dont want to be seorang yg pemarah is so not me .lepas dah marah tew reti plak nak kesian kat budak2 tew sebab kena tengking . After that ai rasa sangat terok ..apa salah bebudak tew . Kids are kids . mmg akan mintak macam macam , mmg akan wat sepah ...adoiiii . Nasib la Sutan slalu cool je time moon dah kuar api atas kepala ...pastuh sempat lagi kata " mummy jgn jadi chandramukhi ....hahhahah nak tahu apa itew chandramukhi ? kalau sapa tgk citer tamil misti tahu hahahahha ...terus nak marah jadi gelak ...tapi marah tew still ada.Tgk mmg menakut kan kay ai tak nak jadi cam nih ...macam kena rasuk ...hahhahahhahaha terus cepat2 senyum ...kalau kowang nak tgk ...carik la kat u tube citer nih ...citer hantu kay ...menakutkan ....Ra raaaaaaa

i really need to control my temper and dont let the temper to control me . Ada anger management nyer kelas tak ...tak pun kena tgk cerita anger management tew banyak kali sampai muntah . When i pegi cek up utk may imbalance hormon , slalu sangat doc tanya . U ada stress tak ...tapi ai slalu kata tak der . Untill last night i think i yang stress kan my self . I stress bila tak ley make sure my house is clean ...lantai tak bersih pun aku ley hangen . Gila ke hapa . Tgk kain baju tak basuh tak berlipat mula la glabah ...eiiiii so teruk, nampak lantai bilik air start kotor pun sakit mata . After ai list kan kat sini baru ai nampak ...thats y im so stress out . Ai have so many things to do . Thats y sutan advice moon ....set kan priority ...what ever happen kids come first . Luangkan masa utk dia org . Tinggal je apa yg u duk buat n layan dia org dolu . Daddy tak kesah umah sepah ..tak kesah mummy tak sempat masak ..kain baju kalau tak sempat nak basuh jemur hantar je dobi . I want to see u happy n when ur happy the kids will be happy to fully understand u kerja ...kiter tak der maid , mana yg boley buat u buat mana nak mintak tolong just let me know ..

bila dgr dia ckp cam tew baru ai realise ..ermmm he is so true . Ai suka pikir kan benda yg tak patut ...asyik risau je manjang . Even amount dalam bank nampak kurang ai dah start risau teruk ..ok tarik nafasssssssssss istigfar banyak banyak ....

lepas muhasabah diri ...chewah ...yer la ...kadang kiter tak prasan apa silap kiter . Sometimes kiter ingat kita slalu betol . We need somebody to tell us sebab kiter bukan nya bijak n sempurna utk perasan benda2 tew semua . Thanks daddy sebab tegor ..

ok think positive n banyakkan bersabarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ..........i will try my best . Azam baru nih .............wuuuusaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

clearkan hutang kad credit anda

bagai mana nak selesai kan masalah kad kredit anda..biasa kalau nak stop pakai ..nak kasik clear kena la harus bayar full atau pun bayar ansuran ..ketahui la bagaimana nak settle kan installment yg bertahun kepada 1 thn shj and without the interest ...sila la baca....ZERO interest hokey ....

Kurangkan bayar minimum kredit kad anda

Jika anda perlu membayar RM500(5% sebulan) bagi hutang RM10000 dan perlu menyelesaikan selama 89 bulan ,Tetapi dengan E-Save hanya perlu membayar RM277 sebulan untuk selama 36 bulan .

KENAPA TAK PERCAYA??? TAKUT ??? ATAU WAS-WAS ?? Sila datang jumpa kami , sah di segi undang-undang .Cuma tukar pembayaran hutang kredit kad anda kepada plan 0% interest saja. Hutang dengan bank kredit kad anda ,bayar pun pada bank kredit kad yang sama .

Kenapa anda perlu memohon plan 0% interest :

:: Meringankan bayaran bulanan kredit kad
:: Mengelakan dari disenarai hitam oleh pihak CCRIS/CTOS .
:: Merancang semula keduduakan kewangan anda semula.
:: Menjadikan anda lebih selesa ,tiada pihak bank yang membuat pangilan telepon setiap bulan .
:: Tidak perlu selalu tukar number hand phone ,kerana takut bank talipon .
:: Dan banyak lagi kebaikan jika hutang kredit kad dari RM10000 menjadi cuma didebitkan RM277 setiap bulan

most of of mmg ada kad kredit kan ....1 kad kredit jarang jarang tapi 2 3 banyakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

so cam fenin plak ...bila nih dah banyak swipe yg nih plak then swipe yg lain plak the end hutang pun banyak ...kalau stakat bayar minimum payment ...interest pun kena bayar ...last last baki tak la berkurangan sangat ...last last duk bayar interest je ...bila nak habih..pastuh kad duk swipe semacam kan ...nak isi minyak la beli brg dapo la

So plan nih dapat selesaikan masalah anda ...0% interest . Ramai dah mencuba n it helps alot ..

Nak tahu lebey lanjut 0% interest kan my credit card n deal terus ngan Zaimi . Nanti Zaimi ley cerita ngan lebey lanjut and anda pasti tekejut bila tgk figure tew mmg bezaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ..tak salah kan kalau mencuba ...mmg terasa lebey aman tanpa hutang yg banyak nih . Mmg semer org ada hutan skrg nih kan ..hutan kereta hutang rumah . Tapi kalau ley kurang kan hutang kad kredit alangkah bagus nya kan

Kalau malu nak call ...YM je zaimi = Zaimi_2k

Thursday, October 01, 2009

si anak jipun duk kat uk tapi mlayu

Many thanks to Shu ..wah tak sangka dah 3 kali kiter bersua Shu ...Shu balik Mesia pun stil ingat ai ..ingat kan Shu dah kat Hull sana dah jadi mat salleh ekekkekek tapi Shu still the same old Shu yg manes je bila senyum ..ntah napa skali skala tgk Shu sepintas lalu , nampak cam Kak Long mummy Orked pun ada .

Tetiba pegi umah Shu Sabtu lepas cam gie balik umah makcik je ...semer family Shu dah cam dah kita org ...rasa sangat most welcome la kat umah shu ...rasa cam nak amik bantal baring2 pun ada ( yer la kiter kan kalau balik umah mak ke makcik yg rapat ke mmg cam tew kan wat cam umah sendiri akakkaka )
Tgk la Aqila nih ...nih la khasiat susu ibu ..sangat bam bam ...wat bantal pelok pun besh nih ...sesuka ati je kan nak jadikan anak org bantal pelok akakakkakaka ...sian Qila balik Mesia panas ek ...patut la Qila putih melepak ...duk kat tmpat sejuk . Jeles nya Auntie ...pasnih kena wat lawatan ke Hull la ...pastuh penginapan harus la carik Shu ( hai bila la nak sampai ke sana )

Nanto more pic moon akan upload ke cyberphotog ya ...shu nanti flight UK kol brapa? Nak pass kan cd dolu nih ...

Bila Moon menengok Moon

tut tuttttt
tutt tuut
bukan kentut kay bunyi tepon hahahhahah walaupun ringtone kuw kuar sora chipmunk ..

Kak E : Muni gie kuar skrg tgk bulan ...lain mcm sangat kak e tgk ( yer my sis panggil ai Muni )
Me : Napa kak e apa yg pelik
Kak E : Gie je la banyok cakap plok ...abg dan kata bawok tubek kamera skali ..kamera phone dokley

Me pun bukak grill kuar jenguk ke langit ..ha mmg lain macam tol ...erm asal cam tew ek ...nak tahu cam na rupa dia ? Ha semangat tol my sister siap tepon dari Trg ..tanya kat sepang nampak benda yg sama tak ..
ha lain sket kan ...kalau tgk life rupa nya lebey kurang cam ni tapi tak der la terang benderang cam nih
jarang nampak cam ni kannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

That breathtaking vision in the night sky is the result of ice crystals refracting the light of the moon. The halo rings the moon when high, thin cirrus clouds made up of millions of these crystals cover the sky. The moon's light enters into the hexagonal-shaped ice structures and is bent before passing out another side of the crystals, causing a ring of light to appear around the moon. But this phenomenon is not limited to the moon -- given the right conditions, you can spot a sun halo as well.

Halos typically appear as a ring of white light around the moon or the sun, but they can also appear in color patterns. The most common type of halo is the 22-degree halo, so-called because the ice crystals refract the light of the moon or sun at an angle of 22 degrees. A less-common type of halo is the 46-degree variety, which has a larger diameter than the 22-degree but is also fainter.

According to folklore, a moon halo indicates that bad weather is on the way. There may be some truth to this since the halo is usually caused by high-altitude cirrus clouds that precede a warm front and an associated storm.

One dark, cloudy night, you might also be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of another spectacular moon show -- the lunar corona, when the moonlight is diffracted into hazy colored rings.

Folklore has it that a ring around the moon signifies bad weather is coming, and in many cases this may be true. So how can rings around the moon be a predictor of weather to come? The ice crystals that cover the halo signify high altitude, thin cirrus clouds that normally precede a warm front by one or two days.
... Read MoreTypically, a warm front will be associated with a low pressure system which is commonly referred to as a storm.
It is believed that the number of stars within a moon halo indicate the number days before bad weather will arrive. Give it a try the next time you observe a moon halo.

ada pic lagi at my FB ..kalau nak more info fasal fenomena kat atas just google moon halo ..jangan kuar gambar ai sudah ...terlamer di sitew . Sama sama la kiter doa harap nothing bad will happen . Cam masa nak tsunami tew kan banyak petanda tapi lepas kejadian baru la semer nak amik tahu n observe balik ....nauzubillah

hahahhah terus teringat lagu siti pasal bulan nih ...alahai cik ti ooooii mendayu sungguh la sora nko ...bila dengar sambil wat report nih cam tenang jeeeeeee...dont u think so ? Moon dah khatam banyak kali la lagu dia masa konsert nih , sutan jom gie beli kain kaler ijoooooooo nak wat la baju cam CT hahahha verangan

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

bila si adik suka kaco org tido

Mentang la dia dah siap mandi n pakai baju semer sebuk dia nak kejut kan Isk
Yaya cam dah rambut helmet dah ...di sepit tak mo di ikat pun lagi la tak mo ...wey anak jipun
Si abg apa lagi ...nyoroks bawah simut ar nasib la tak melalak kena kaco ngan Yaya kalau tak migrain mummy pepagi buter nih
n dia masih mampu tersenyum ...hahhahahah . Kalau tiap tiap hari bangun gud mood kang senang kije mummy ...

Last few weeks dia duk nyanyi lagu nih...hahhahahaha nak tahu lagu apa?

Ada sekor ...anak opaaaaaaaa ( tupai jadi opa)

me n sutan punya la gelak masa tew dalam kereta hahhahahah then sutan tanya ...isk mana isk dengar lagu tew? then dia kata " cikgu isk slalu nyanyi ..kalau nak bagi semer org tido cikgu nyanyi lagu anak opaaaa" hahahhah hebats kan lagu rakyat gitew akakkakakakakkakakk .

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Auww ada entry khas

Wahai cik puan ann greenway straberrryyyyyyyyyyy tocei akak ucap kan ...alamaks tak tahu nak nyorok mana nih ...alamak mak maluuuuuuuuuuuuuu

terus trg ai kata kan dia org nih la pantin paling sempoi ....aduiiii kije senang giler ngan dia org . bukan rasa cam pegi amik gambo customer tapi rasa cam sedara mara je yg kawen ( ai ngan sedara pun tak cam niih tau ) . Baru jumpa cam dah lama kenal je ...sangat senang la berurusan ngan dia tak cerewet langsung tew lawa plak ...hubby dia lagi la u cam hero remaja ...habih la nko ain ramai kang aim laki nko ...akak tak tahuuuuuu .

moon kaver majlis nikah , malam berinai then sanding 3 event . Pastuh jumpa plak mak andam dia yg sempoi giler .....friendly plak tew ...kak aini dari gemalai anggun . nak tahu nom kak aini sila tanya ain ek ...tetiba moon pun jadi member kak ain di facebook hhahahahha
so akak nak ucap bebanyak terima kasih sebab wat entry utk edisi album ...toceiiiiiiiii. Akak pun ada snap few pic pakai phone masa duk susun gambo gambo ...ada 200 lebey gambo ....1 page album nih ley muat 6 gambo 4r so u ley imagine kan beso nyer kay gambo kat dalam tew ...ia nya amat berats kay ..kalau jatuh atas ibu jari kaki ley bengkak neh .
kowang misti nak baca kan ...apa tak nak baca ? tak nak baca sudah ...kalau sesapa yg baik hati lagi cantik n rupawan ....sila la klik ke BLOG AIN

moon ada amik sample album tew tapi dalam kamera member ...kena tunggu dia kasik ...akakkakak

alhamdulillah most of cyberphotog customer semer jadi kawan kita org ...thanks alot all of u . Boley la kalau terjumpa tew nak bertepuk tampar bagai hahahhahahahahha ...

kita org tak publish harge kat FP kalau nak quotation kindly contact moon atau zaimi terus kay. We only available on weekends...

cyberphotog akan di dot com kan .....sebanarnya dah pun tapi isi kandungan je lom letak ..alahai bz bebenor la photog2 nya akakakakkaka

one drop perfume

Yup , moon masih jual ODP ...

the price is RM 40 free delivery ....kalau nak let me know kay .

Green set for women (top seller)
  1. Inspired by Escape, Calvin Klein
  2. Inspired by Romance LPV, Ralph Lauren
  3. Inspired by Pleasure, Estee Lauder
  4. Inspired by Jennifer, Jennifer Lopez
  5. Inspired by For Her, Narciso Rodrigues
  6. Inspired by Baby Doll, Yves Saint Lauren
  7. Inspired by Cool Water for Women, Davidoff
  8. Inspired by Apple Blossom, Body Shop
Purple set for women
  1. Inspired by Tresor, Lancome
  2. Inspired by Envy, Gucci
  3. Inspired by Heaven, One Drop Perfumes
  4. Inspired by Eternity for Women, Calvin Klein
  5. Inspired by Gloria, Cacharel
  6. Inspired by Miracle, Lancome
  7. Inspired by J'adore, Dior
  8. Inspired by Intense, Hugo Boss
Maroon set for women
  1. Inspired by CK Be, Calvin Klein
  2. Inspired by No.5, Chanel
  3. Inspired by Light Blue, Dolce & Gabbana
  4. Inspired by Vanilla Musk, Coty
  5. Inspired by Sunflower, Elizabeth Arden
  6. Inspired by Women Boss, Hugo Boss
  7. Inspired by Palace, Paris Hilton
  8. Inspired by Poeme, Lancome
Red set for women
  1. Inspired by Coco Mademoiselle, Chanel
  2. Inspired by Aqua di Gio (Women), Giorgio Armani
  3. Inspired by Lolita Lempicka, Lolita Lempicka
  4. Inspired by Baby Jesz, One Drop
  5. Inspired by Gold, Amouage
  6. Inspired by Montana "Parfum de Peau", Montana
  7. Inspired by Yohji, Yohji Yamamoto
  8. Inspired by Amarige, Givenchy
White set for women ( NEW )
  1. Inspired by Fairy Dust, Paris Hilton
  2. Inspired by Flower, Kenzo
  3. Inspired by Eau De, Givenchy
  4. Inspired by Magnifique, Lancome
  5. Inspired by Gardenia, Elizabeth Taylor
  6. Inspired by Madame, Jean Paul Gaultier
  7. Inspired by Pure Poison, Christian Dior
  8. Inspired by Midnight Fantasy, Britney Spears

Blue set for Men
  1. Inspired by Blue Jeans, Versace
  2. Inspired by CK One, Calvin Klein
  3. Inspired by Eternity, Calvin Klein
  4. Inspired by Polo Sport, Ralph Lauren
  5. Inspired by Acqua di Gio, Calvin Klein
  6. Inspired by Issey Miyaki, Issey Miyaki
  7. Inspired by Hugo Men, Hugo Boss
  8. Inspired by Pour Homme, Paco Rabbane
Orange set for men
  1. Inspired by Boss Signature, Hugo Boss
  2. Inspired by Tuscany per Uomo, Aramis
  3. Inspired by Cool Water, Davidoff
  4. Inspired by Drakkar Noir, Guy Laroche
  5. Inspired by L'Eau d'lssey pour Homme, Issey Miyake
  6. Inspired by Allure Pour Homme, Chanel
  7. Inspired by Le Male, J.P. Gaultier
  8. Inspired by Pleasures for Men, Estee Lauder
BLACK set for men ( NEW)
  1. Inspired by Desire, Dunhill
  2. Inspired by Hugo XY, Hugo Boss
  3. Inspired by Dior Sport, Christian Dior
  4. Inspired by Miracle Homme, L'Aquatonic
  5. Inspired by White Musk for Men, Body Shop
  6. Inspired by Diamonds for Men, Emporio Amani
  7. Inspired by Sculpture, Homme
  8. Inspired by Epiphany, One Drop Perfumes

  1. Inspired by M, Mariah Carey
  2. Inspired by Lovely, Sarah Jessica Parker
  3. Inspired by Curious, Britney Spears
  4. Inspired by Kate, Kate Moss
  5. Inspired by Show Time, Kylie Minoque
  6. Inspired by Paris Hilton, Paris Hilton
  7. Inspired by Black Pearl, Elizabeth Taylor
  8. Inspired by Glow, Jennifer Lopez
  1. Inspired by Instinct, David Beckham
  2. Inspired by Unforgivable, Sean John
  3. Inspired by True Star, Enrique Iglesias
  4. Inspired by Jordan, Michael Jordan
  5. Inspired by Adventure, Ewan McGregor
  6. Inspired by Life, Adre Agassi
  7. Inspired by Blue Seduction, Antonio Banderas
  8. Inspired by He, Usher

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