Get the book now . RM 50 ...and u will know all the secret of his success . Grab it now..mmg highly recomended. Thanks Saiful

Semua kutipan e book ini akan di sumbang kan kepada Rumah Pengasih ..2 dlm satu u ols ..menyumbang n sekali gus mendapat ilmu yg takkan dapat di mana mana . Y wait ...get ur self a copy of this e book NOW

wah moon cam best je buku nie...mmg kita kagum le ngan SN nie....
Saiful Nang aka Sitai...friend of mine...got to know him way back ms saya masih study kat IDFR...heheh zaman2 ila berdating dgn bestfren dia... jumpa balik lepas ila dah kerja kat TM Net...so happened and what a small world, he is a friend of Poek (my hubby)... glad, he was the photographer of my very memorable moment in my life... masa my wedding reception at Putrajaya... the reception meant for just close friends of me and hubby and Sitai captured it well... how i wish he was the photographer of my nikah and sanding...
with his hardship and determination, he deserves to be a millionaire, to be someone like him now...
Good Luck Bro! i am always proud to be ur first customer...
Wah ... didn't expect you know him personally. Is he really a successful person now?
I have browsed your blog to the older post. It seems to me that u love photography. I am in love with photography too, but still haven't got the money to get one SLR for myself. In a meantime, i'll see what shots you will post here and learn from you.
Hey willie , hai again ,
yup he's a very successfull photographer infact the best in town . A very gud role model . u can view his work at candidsyndrome.com
Yup i do love photography but i more towards my kids n friends .
Dont wory , u dont need a dslr to sharpen ur skill . And dont let that drives u down . U can use any camera . I started with a kodak camera with just basic seting ..then i upgrade to prosumer camera with a little bit advance setting ...the finally i got my self a SLR . Im still learning Willie . If u love photographey ..there are lots of forums where there are tons of people who shares the same interest .
I just doin this part time ...and im not a pro ..im still learning .
Ila ....i was so amazed masa tgk gambar kawen u n poek ..im so jeleous tau ..koz y ..its so beutifullllll sangat lawa tau ..and u look so pretty la Ila .
Untung u ada kawan yg berjaya cam tew kan . Apa yg saya rasa bagus sangat about SN nih ..dia tak sombong . Im just ur friend tapi dia layan setiap pertanyaan seadaanya .
Bila kita ikhlas insyaallah tuhan akan bantu kiter kan .
yer aku pon salu tgk blog SN.. tatau naper shots dia sgt cantek..dan sgt lain dari yg lain.. syok jer view gambo2 dia snap.. hehe.. leh laa gi carik buku SN.. kadang kita ni kene salu motivate diri baru ler tebukak mata nak kedepan!! moon..ko yg aku kenal pon sgt gigih!! aku suker sgt.. go moon go moon... aku support ko alwizzzz!
tulah..saiful nang ni suka tgk fp dia..skang ni dia sgt berjaya kan...rasa cam kejap je dia dh berjaya camni..masa mula2 browse fp dia dulu cam baru mula2 terjebak je..
moon..dah update dh fp tu..malas gilo aa nk update..asik bbb jek..ahahahhaa..buat2 bizi kekekke..
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