Moon memula dolu cam apa benda tew ...kena letak ke . Dah letak sebulan cam dalam beberapa hengget je yg naik ....tew pun cam blur blur hahhahahhah tp bila tgk Redmummy ke Ceeramoon ke Zaimah Viruspadu ke dia org nyer Nuffnang income mmg masyuk
So alang alang dah blog kan letak je la iklan tew bukan jadi kudis gatal pun kan . Kalau ada rezeki adalah kan...tew masing2 punya rezeki . ...silent income nama nya
So ai tak la glamer so idak la dapat invitation ke special event pon hahhaha tapi slalu gaks gatai masuk contest utk dapat tiket wayang free....and sonok sangat sebab banyak kali pegi tgk screening hua hua hua ...nak pegi event event punya la pemalu kan ( lain la kalau ai nih glamer gilers kan hua hua )
Antara tiket yg Moon dapat adalah premier screening of Killers , Season of the witch and Faster ada 1 lagi lupa apa plak .
Ha cam nih la ghuper iklan2 yg di letak kat blog kalau log in masuk acc Nuffnang masing2.
My 1st cheque adalah RM 150 cam tew tew pun berbulan tunggu kan . Memula tew thn 2009 mana la ada sangat Buffered Earning ke apa . So cam lambat la sangat income tew nak naik
07 Oct 09 17:35 | Sent | RM 150.25 |
giler excited dpt duit hahhahahah 1st time terima cek dr Nuffnang . Thanks Nuffnang
Alhamdulillah ada rejeki dr sini ...walaupun idak la banyak tp it does help sedikit sebanyak
So ada org tanya cam na Nuffnang nih berfungsi ..
So ai bagi contoh yg simple la kan . Contohnya ...Cik Moon dia ada nak jual kerepek nih tapi tak tahu cam na nak promot ...makanya Cik Moon pun approach Nuffnang ...
Nuffnang ai ada kerepek nak jual nih ai bayar u RM 1k utk pomot kan . So Nuffnang pun cari la mana mana blog yg sesuai then jumlah 1k tew dia org distribute la ke blog2 tew ....contoh 50 blog yg dia org rasa sesuai
So rate nya lain blog lain rate kalau dah expert ke hapa lagi la tinggi rate baya kan . Org tgk pun dapat duit kalau org clik pun dapat duit .
ha cam tew la secara paling simple
Iklan dan jenis2
A - Leader board
B - Large Rectangle between post
C - Skyscraper on sidebar
Nowadays people prefer baca blog kan . So apa yg Nuffnang buat adalah sangat bagus . To advertise kat blog . Do u know Nuffnang is a blog advertising community. Their ads are seen by 2 million Malaysians daily. can u imagine berapa ramainya org tgk iklan tew setiap hari ...
Ai dapat ramai kawan start buat blog nih ...ive met new friends and old friends balik . Its such a wonderful experience . I hope that ai akan dapat join aktiviti yg Nuffnang buat and gain more knowledge kan and jumpa ngan those top top bloggers ....wah misti sonok kan .
So asal ai buat entry nih ...teng teng teng the main reason is that ....they are giving exclusive invitation ....kalau la dapat pegi kan besttttttttt
phewwiiit ....kali ini ianya di Malaysia ...kat Putrajaya laks tew u olssssssssss ...tinggin nye ai nak tgk para blogers yg ai minat secara life ...
Come 16 December 2011, 500 bloggers from around the Asia-Pacific region will flock to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 in Putrajaya Marriott. The Awards aims to not only honour the region's best bloggers, but also to bring together blogger communities from across Asia-Pacific. The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is brought to you by Volkswagen Malaysia and Putrajaya Marriott.
A winning entry will entitle you to:
- One invite to the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011
- A chance to be selected as a Blogger Host for our foreign blogger guests
- One invite to an exclusive Blog Awards after-party at a secret location in Kuala Lumpur
So Nuffnang Asia - Pacific Blog Award nih ada beberapa kategori and kategori - kategori nya adalah seperti berikut
Nih adalah result award last time
The winners for the Twelve 2009 Nuffnang Blog Award categories were:
- Best Blogshop:
- Best Food Blog:
- Best Fashion Blog:
- Best Parenting Blog:
- Best Travel Blog:
- Best Celebrity Blog:
- Best Entertainment Blog:
- Best Geek Blog:
- Best Hidden Gem:
- Best Original Blog Design:
- Most Influential Blog:
- Region’s Best Blog:
hiksssssssssss xiaxue ada kat sitew ....i love her blog . Dia nih la minah yg berambut blond n now dah bertukar berambut pink yg kawen ngan mat salleh and duk kat singapore ....hahah
siyes cam anak patung kan ........
and nak tgk dia org secara life ......phiiiiwiiitttttttttttttt
Black pants special offer
SMURF item
dh 3 thn sy ber'blog' dan smpai laa ni sy x tau how it's work? ekekeke..
Salam.. moon.. ajar ar pasal nuffnang.. x braper nk paham ler.. pas2cmner nak joint dia nyer contest. uuhuuu.. tak tau..!
ct dulu...masa stat blogging ni pun x tau ape pasang iklan nuffnang...awk pun pasang x tau cmne nak kasi traffic naik...sudahnya dari 2008 smpai skrg x penah dpt lg check itue..hehheeh
wuhuuuu goodluck akak!
sy pny earning nuff tkedek2 lg ni kak...huhu
good luck moon!!! kalau dapat boleh lah kita gi sesamer auwwww ;)
good luckk..... i hope u get it... slalu bce blog nie... nice... :)
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